The search goes on

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When Lyra woke up, she noticed the room she was in was in compete darkness, it reminded her of living on the Gyptian boats. When Lyra realised, she was in her mother's room she rolled over to reached out for Pan, upon not finding him where he usually slept in their bed, she starts to freak out. Marisa runs into her room hearing her child scream was a sound she doesn't like to hear.

"Lyra, what's wrong? Why are you screaming?"

In between gasps of air Lyra spat out "I CAN'T FIND PAN"

Marisa just smiles and lifts the blanket to see a brown stripy kitten curled in a ball in the middle of the bed.

"Relax Lyra, Pan is here fast asleep".

If the small child had rolled over the other way and reached her arms out, she would have found him.

Pan wasn't happy that he got woken up by his human, as he was quite contempt in his little spot on the bed.

"Why did you wake me?" Pan hissed at his human.

Lyra jumps back as Pan has never hissed at her before, even when they have silly little fights.

Marisa noticed the sad look on her child's face, a look she doesn't like as it reminded her when Lyra was born, and Asriel took her away. At first the woman didn't know how to approach her child; someone she has only known roughly a month. Fighting her inner voice Marisa steps in and so does the monkey. The golden monkey grabs Pan to calm him and Marisa the same with Lyra.

Marisa grabs her daughter in her arms, holding Lyra like a baby she looks down at her child and sees her daughter staring back into her blue eyes. All Marisa could do was smile. She freed one hand and wiped the tears away from Lyra's face.

"Hush darling its ok. Let's go have some breakfast, that'll fix everything".

The servants brought out waffles, pancakes, mixture of fruits and French toast. Lyra didn't know what to have first, so Marisa put a little of everything on the plate for the child to try. Lyra looks over to her mother and notices her plate is empty "You're not eating mummy?" Marisa looks up from her paperwork and lets out a soft "huh?" so Lyra asks her question again "You not eating?" Marisa looks down to her plate then at Lyra "No darling, I've already eaten" then put her nose back into her work.

Lyra was shocked as they always ate together, but she didn't let her mother's words bother her and dug into her delicious pile of food.

Later throughout the day Marisa had to leave Lyra at the flat to attend to the Magisterium and sort out the teething problems they have out at the station. Marisa hated leaving Lyra, it gave her separation anxiety and constantly thought that one of the servants would leave the lift doors open and Lyra would escape. Lyra was always there either on the couch playing with toys or in her room doing the same thing and it was always a huge relief to know her child was home and didn't have to get the Magisterium involved to help find her missing child.

Marisa would always try to make up to Lyra for her constant absentness. What Marisa didn't know is that Lyra didn't mind as she would always say to herself "Mummy is making the world better" if only she knew what her mother was really doing.

Lyra always greeted her mother with a hug and a smile when she finally returned home. It was getting close to dinner; Marisa didn't have time to eat as she had to quickly grab something from her study and then leave again.

Before the maid could say anything, Marisa sticks her hand up and said "I have to leave, make sure Lyra is fed, bathed and put to bed" the servant just nodded and went on with what she was doing.

Lyra never noticed that her mother had returned for a split moment, she was too busy playing with her books making a tower out of them and pretending she is fighting a Panserbjorn in their big ice kingdom while pretending to be her father the famous explorer just trying to pass to get where he needs to be...... which is at home with her.

Marisa came home rather late that night. What she thought would be a quick and painless meeting and talk to the scientists that help put this machine together ended up being several hours that she could've been with her child.

Once in her room Marisa throws her shoes to her chair that is somewhat close to her bed, pulls the covers and goes to bed. She was too tired to care that she was still in her everyday clothes.

Morning came quick... too quickly for Marisa who only had a few hours sleep. Marisa pulls the top blanket over her face to block out the sunlight then a knock at the door startled her.

"What is it?" she said groggily.

"The girl is awake and wants to see you ma'am".

Marisa lets out a loud angry groan and forced herself out of bed. She rips open the door to see the female staff member who had stopped her the previous night to enquire about Lyra.


Marisa slams her bedroom door with Lyra only metres away hearing everything and she knew her mother wouldn't care.

Lyra ran to her room crying.


Lord Fa had called off for the search to find Lyra, Maggie wasn't happy, but she couldn't change his mind. He knew stopping this search would break Maggies heart, but their children are more important. Yes, they both promised to watch and raise this child for Asriel but also, they knew this day would come, the day Marisa would take back what was hers.

Maggie never gave up, when she had the opportunity, she'd go out on "errands" but is looking for her Lyra the child she PROMISED Asriel she'd protect.

When she couldn't search for the child, under protest Maggie's eldest Tony would go out since she was taken while he was told to watch her.

It had been weeks with this secret search for Lyra till one day Tony was walking the streets then he spots the little girl holding that woman's hand.

"Lyuba, we have to get back to ma quick to tell her we found Lyra".

The boy and his daemon ran as quick as he could back to tell his mother that he found Lyra. He got so close to his family boat when a man in dark clothing grabs him. His mother's daemon saw this happen then quickly alerted his human for her to come running out. Maggie didn't see what happened, but Lyuba quickly said they found Lyra.

Before she could process this information, Maggie just ran. She knew where Marisa lived from that one unexpected run in about a year ago.

"We need to grab her then back to the boat then set sail and go far, far away from London" Maggie kept saying to herself.

Getting closer and closer to where Marisa flat is, Maggie noticed all the Magisterium guards were more and more the closer she got.

Word got out that she was seen leaving her boat after the attempted kidnaping of her son. Marisa was then alerted, and she made sure her building was surrounded by the Magisterium to keep her Lyra protected.

Maggie stopped on the street avoiding other people and vehicles to not notice Marisa was walking towards her.

"Hello Maggie"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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