Chapter twenty four: Stronger together.

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Eight months later

So things have changed over the past few months Kyrah is two years and six months now. Jaz has been doing so much better and has a genuine boyfriend. His name is Kyle Lava yes he is the son of the Dr who saved her life. Trust me, I was more freaked out than you are right now. Bruce got married to Kendra after dating her for about five months and to be honest, I am just glad that he found someone. They havent mentioned anything about children so well see what happens haha. Luke and Sophia had Ricardo soon after their wedding and she just gave birth to Max three days ago. Juju has been doing immensely well as an Alpha. We video chat once a week or whenever we can. Gabrielle just got engaged to Kol and I am super excited for her wedding! I know that Austin is very excited. We just celebrated his eleventh birthday a few weeks ago. Asher and I well, we are doing wonderfully. (Asher): Deep in thought as always. Yet never a dull moment goes by with you by my side He gives me a kiss and I cant help but smile. He and I have been taking things slow for a while now and I like it. We are not rushing into things and we are happy. That is more than I ever hoped for and Gabby is opening up to the idea of me being with him. She actually thinks that he is a good guy instead of hating him before getting to know him. Kol has changed her for the better and I am beyond grateful. To be honest I think that the fam is getting agitated by how Asher and I are not rushing. We are being smart about relationship stuff and I am very busy at work so it works well. (Carlyn): I cant help but think about everything sis (Jasmine): About what sis? (Carlyn): About the past few years. Everything that has happened between everyone that I have loved in the past sis. I lost him before I cant lose him again (Jasmine): Sis, you are the strongest person I know. No matter what happens, you will always get back up (Carlyn): Thank you sis. I needed that We talk about Gabbys wedding plans and then she says that she doesnt want any fancy wedding plans but we tell her to stop the nonsense talk and just listen to our ideas because it has to be perfect. She always hated weddings and now she gets to attend her own one and it has to be really impeccable. We all want to pitch in and make it better than before. The fam and I have decided that we are going to be the wedding planners because Gabby was ready to settle with a small wedding without any flowers and simple bands playing in the background. Not on our watch girl! This wedding is going to be spectacular. It is going to be memorable and even Luke is helping us plan so this has really become a family occasion. More than just about the bride and groom because this is a wedding that we never thought that we would ever get to see so it has to be luscious. I decided to have the wedding plan discussion at my house. Luke and Jaz want to help me plan it and the rest of the guys are going to be busy with their plans for the week. They mentioned something about a guys week but it doesnt make sense. *KNOCK KNOCK* They are on time so lets get to planning. (Carlyn): Hey brother. Hows Sophia and the boys? (Luke): Hey sis. They are really great sis. Growing up way too fast but I love some peace and quiet from time to time, haha (Jasmine): I know what you mean, haha. Ky is growing up so fast sis. She fed on her first rabbit a few days ago (Carlyn): That is awesome guys! I am proud of both of you. I have the ideas on my table in the dining room (Luke): Lets check it out! I have a few magazines and note pads on my dining room table that I went through last night. I know that Gabby loves blue and she is not really into the fancy things but I want to add some fun touches to the ideas. Maybe she could have a blue lace design added to her veil. Jaz agrees with me and helps pick out a certain design that will suit her perfectly. Luke has been begging us to have a guacamole stand and that is a food poisoning problem thats best left buried. Hasnt he learned since the last time? That is one humorous brother of mine. We go over different cake flavours and this is a tough decision. Cookies and cream? I give Gabby a call and just made it quick. (Carlyn): Vanilla? Chocolate? Cookies and cream? (Gabby): Cookies and cream. Whats going on? (Carlyn): Nothing love. See you! Jaz and Luke give me a look and I have to hold in a huge laugh. (Carlyn): She says Cookies and cream We go through some designs for a cookies and cream cake. Then Jaz looks at me with a puzzled expression. (Carlyn): What? (Jasmine): The guest list? The invitations? The location? (Carlyn): The guest list is underneath that notepad on the right. The designs for the invitations is on my bed. I will go fetch it for you now and the location ideas are in that green book next to your phone sis (Luke): Sis how are you so prepared? (Carlyn): We have been making jokes about Gabbys future wedding for a long time and I really want to make it special boeta I go to my bedroom to fetch the invitation designs. My phone is flashing. Who could have sent me a message? Its from Asher: Hey. I know that we have both been very busy lately but I just wanted you to know that I love you and I want to take you out soon. A xx. That was adorable and unexpected of him. Between work and the fam, I barely realised how busy I have become but thanks to mission completion we are relaxing a bit but weddings are also very time consuming. I respond to his text and take the invitations designs inside. Jaz and Luke and arguing about the serviette shape. (Jasmine): Sis, what do you think? A rose shape would fit perfectly at the wedding party right? (Luke): Tell her that a rose is a bit much when you can have a simple French Pleat. Right sis? (Carlyn): Why not both? One for male guests and one for female guests? Here are the invitation ideas They smile and laugh a little because we dont know why wedding planning is so frustrating. After a week of different designs and cake tastings. Its finally time for the dress shopping and the final touches. I cant wait! Jaz and Luke say goodbye and head home. We are all beyond exhausted. Whilst having a good blood-tini in a bubble bath, there is a knock on my bathroom door. I recognise that scent, did I mention that I gave him a key? (Carlyn): What a gentlemen to knock before you enter Asher walks in with a dozen roses and a box of champagne. I love roses but I am awful at taking care of plants. It takes about a week or so but I usually forget that there are plants in my home after a while. (Carlyn): Roses? You know I am bad with plants hun (Asher): Thats why they are edible and I brought chocolate sauce He gives me a kiss but I want to cry a little. How did he remember that after all this time? (Carlyn): I love you, you know that?(Asher): I know and I love you more This makes me want to get the heck out of this bath and try the champagne. After a few glasses, I must say that this is delicious. (Carlyn): Nicolas Feuillatte (Asher): Yes its imported from France. Founded in 1976 and yet its reached the top three in the bestsellers list (Carlyn): You know your champagne (Asher): Its on the box darling I see that it actually is on the box and we start laughing. This feels good, I needed to unwind after all of the wedding plans and drama. (Asher): So lets talk about us Uhm... gosh, why am I nervous all of a sudden? I havent really thought about dating in detail ever since Tyrell and we all saw how well that worked out. I need to think about this. I am really happy with what we have and dont want to lose him but this really is not the time. I kiss him and rather make him forget about that suggestion. We can talk about it soon but I need to get some shut-eye before Gabbys wedding dress shopping tomorrow.

Deep breaths Carly deep breaths.

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