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As the wisteria trees bloomed and it's mesmerizing purple flowers blossomed, the sight painted a beautiful scenery.

Treading amongst the many wisteria trees, a young lad with black hair and ocean eyes gazes up as the flowers tickled his head.

As he did so, the light shining through the wisteria trees shone down on him and glimmered.

His eye softened ever so slightly as his lips formed a charming smile while looking to the beaming sun.

A man with fuchsia eyes then tackled him, a scarred man with white hair following after the former and helping the two up.

"You have a flamboyant smile, Tomioka!"
"Thank you, Uzui-san"
"Tch, still calling us by our first names?"

As the fuchsia eyed man complimented the lad's smile, the ocean eyed lad just thanked the man.

Noticing the formal use of address, the scarred man clicked his tongue as he indirectly told the lad to be more casual.

"Sorry, Sanemi, Tengen"

Offering a smile, the young lad just apologized as he rubbed the back of his head using the one arm he had.

A slight blush crept up the scarred man's face, which the fuchsia eyed man noticed.

Raising an eyebrow, a smirk formed on his features as he nudges the scarred man with a knowing look.

The scarred man quickly became flustered as he landed a punch on the fuchsia eyed man out of impulse.


With a loud thud, the punch landed on the fuchsia eyed man's face, the unexpected impact making him fall to the ground.

Both the ocean eyed lad and the scarred man flinched at the sudden sight of the fuchsia eyed man falling to the ground.

"Ow! What was that for?!"
"Conditioned reflex. Sorry"

As the fuchsia eyed man rubbed his now bruised cheeks, he didn't forget to look at the scarred man angrily as he scolded him.

In response, the scarred man only gave a valid excuse and apology in a stunned tone to the fuchsia eyed man.

He'd never expected the fuchsia eyed man would fall to the ground because of his punch.

Helping the fuchsia eyed man up, once again, the scarred man just tried coaxing the now sulking fuchsia eyed man.

The whole journey to the three's former workplace was definitely not the quietest with the two man arguing.

At one point in time, the ocean eyed lad lost his patience at the two and smacked both men on the back of their heads.

Needless to say, the two men made up quickly and shut their mouths after the outburst of the lad.

As the three went on walking the city to head to their former shared home, a question brought tension into the air.

"Hey Giyuu, why do you still have your mark?"

As the ocean eyed lad heard the question the scarred man asked, he halted in his steps before answering hesitantly.

"That... I don't know myself"

The lopsided smile and evasion of eye contact the ocean eyed lad had as he answered the question made the two men suspicious.

However, as they didn't want to make their only other surviving colleague feel awkward, they didn't pursue the matter.

Oh how they regretted their decision just two weeks forward.

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