Ex : Yushiro's Moonlight

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In the busy street of the Yamanagashi prefecture, numerous people from all walks of life roamed.

Amongst those, a certain boy with a strange mark strolled leisurely around the street.

He was accompanied with a masked man that had white hair which faded into green with black tips who let out grumbles.

As the two walked side by side, passerbys couldn't help but take a second glance at the strange duo.

While one could say they were siblings, there was not a speck of similarity between the two.

Several people even stopped to ask the boy if he knew the masked man, to which the boy always respond with a yes.

"Oi, where're we going?"

As the masked man asked the boy of where they were going, the boy only gave a vague response to the man.

Heading inside a suspiciously shady alley, the man questioned if the danger perception of the boy is truly functioning.

As they walked through the alley, a group of thugs tried to rob them only to be kicked in the face by the boy.

The man, Yushiro, the last surviving demon only sweatdropped at the boy's combat abilities that hasn't rusted at all.

Walking towards the end of the alley, the two stumbled back onto the busy street and the boy went in the store right beside the alley's entrance.

Dumbfounded by the boy's lack of hesitance at navigating an unfamiliar street, Yushiro only gaped his mouth.

"C'mon, we don't have time to waste"

At the boy's beckoning, Yushiro hurriedly followed the boy inside the store. His steps, however, were quite hesitant.

As he walked inside the store, he was immediately hit with a wave of nostalgia at the store's interior design.

"Look to your left"

Expressing his awe and shock, Yushiro looked meaningfully at the boy. The boy, in turn, instructed Yushiro to look to the left.

Yushiro followed the boy's instructions and felt a sense of speechlessness overcome him.

There, before his very eyes, was a woman who looked exactly like his deceased object of loyalty from a thousand years ago.


Under his breath, he whispered her name. A name that doesn't feel unfamiliar to his tongue despite the years he went on without uttering the name.

The woman, feeling a stare directed at her, looked for the source and became baffled as she saw a charming young man.

As the two's eyes met, both were hit with immense nostalgia of a distant past, however only one of them remember.

The boy, who was forgotten by the two people in their own world, shoved Yushiro towards the woman.

As a result, Yushiro disgracefully stumbled towards the woman and were as red as tomato from embarrassment after.

Whilst Yushiro was panicking over his stumble, he noticed the woman extend her hand towards him.

By pure reflex of manners that'd been carved into his bones, he took the woman's hand and kissed the back of it.

Just the way he used to greet her.

Once he looked up though, he realized what he just did was quite inappropriate as he saw the woman's flustered face.

However, as the actions he'd done can't be reverted back, so he just pushed down his embarrassment and continued on the act of a confident man.

"My name's Yushiro. It's nice to see you again, my lady"

Standing straight from his bent position for kissing the woman's back hand, Yushiro offered his sweetest smile towards her.

"You know me?"

With confused yet still flustered expression, the woman tilt her head softly as she questioned the man.

"I do,though you probably don't remember as it's been quite a while. You look as stunning as ever, lady Tamayo"

A nostalgic smile made it's way towards the man's expression as his eyes regained it's passionate love towards her.

The woman, Tamayo, seeing Yushiro's eyes full of love and admiration felt her heart beat erratically at the sight.

Behind them, the boy with weird markings on his face left the hidden store quietly as he saw the two's reunion.

Coming down the street to a fountain, the boy unconsciously let out a soft smile as he saw his older sister and best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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