5 - Preparations

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  Lucia's PoV
  "How was the quiz? Do you think you nailed it, Lucy?" Nicole asked as we walked towards her locker. I don't think I did that well, but at least I managed to finish it.
  "I think I did pretty bad. Some of the questions were things that I had never studied before. Besides, I couldn't focus on the task since my mind is elsewhere." Nicole hummed as she opened her locker.
  "About that- my father texted me to remind me about a party that I have to attend with him tomorrow night. Why don't you join me and perhaps find someone that could help." Huh?
  "What do you mean? Are you telling me to sell myself, Nicole? Why would I do that?" Nicole chuckled.
  "That seems to be such a harsh word to use, though. I didn't mean that you sell yourself. What I'm trying to say here is perhaps you should find yourself a sugar daddy- be an escort." I gasped at my friend's suggestion.
  "Wait- look. It's pretty normal, you know. There are a few of our classmates that do that when they're in a financial problem. They are rich, but they wish to have more than their family can provide for them. That's why they decided to become a sugar baby or an escort. It's not that bad of a time suggestion, right?" I- I don't know what to say. But why do I feel like I want to try my luck finding one?
  What is wrong with me? Am I that desperate?
  "Will it be alright for me to come with you? What if your father scolds me?" Nicole chuckled.
  "Why would my father scold you? Don't worry about this. After we're done with classes, let's go back to my place and find something to wear for the party tomorrow. We need to make you presentable and hotter than you already are." Good God- this is the right thing to do? I don't know what is right and what is wrong now. All I could think about was helping my family in any way.
  "Are you nervous? Don't be. Also, I have a few pieces of advice to give you. Never follow anyone except for those you know to a secluded area. Even if the gentlemen force you, politely say no. Some msg be forceful, but some can be quite a gentleman. It all depends on luck. And I'm sure every gentleman at the party would love to have you as their sugar baby. Or wait- an escort." Nicole winked.
  "You seem to be speaking from experience." Nicole chuckled.
  "How did you know? I used to have a sugar daddy last year. But I grew tired of pleasing them and decided to end it with a certain gentleman. The man was sweet at all, but his wife is crazy jealous." The wife?! Now that I think about it, perhaps it's a bad idea.
  "Don't worry. I'll make sure to find a man that doesn't have a wife." Nicole took her things from the locker, and we went to our next class. I should have focused on my study, but my mind couldn't catch what our lecturer said. I have a feeling that I'll fail this class if this continues.
  After the class ended, I cleared up my things when Nicole knocked on my desk.
  "Do you want to have lunch at the cafeteria or outside?" I shrugged since I didn't mind.
  "Do you want to try eating at the cafeteria? I heard they have mini pizza today." I smiled before nodding my head.
  "Sure. Lead the way." Nicole and I walk side by side towards the cafeteria while we talk about the party tomorrow night.
  "What sort of party is it?" I asked since I never end to any party before.
  "It's like a get-together, and the business owner uses this party to make themselves known to others. You can say that all these rich and influential people gather in one place to promote themselves." Oh, I see. Now that I think about it, I don't know what Nicole's family does.
  "Hey, Nicole, what sort of business are your family doing?" Nicole chuckled.
  "My mother is a fashion designer. And my father works as her business advisor. Anything corporate, leave it to my father like my mother handles the creative part. That explains why they're quite busy and practically ignoring their only daughter like me." Oh, wow.
  "Your mother must be famous." Nicole chuckled.
  "Nah, not really. You'll meet them today. Also, don't worry. They might be ignoring their daughter, but they provide me with everything they can give me. So, in other words, they're only working this hard because they want me to be comfortable." Nicole is a good child.
  "Hey, Nicole, why don't you hand out with us anymore after that girl arrived? Do you want to associate yourself with those who don't have anything?" Those words may stink when I first arrived, but at this point, it's just something that  I constantly hear whenever I'm at the university.
  "It's alright. I'm bored spending my time with you guys since all you talk about is your life and nothing else. At least when I'm with Lucia, she listens to what I'm saying, and she never shows her back when I need some help." Nicole smiled sarcastically as we walked into the cafeteria.
  "Is it alright for you to say that? What if they try to do something to make it harder for you?" Nicole chuckled.
  "They can try, but I don't think they are brave enough to do it. I've known them since middle school. They used to be kind, but somehow they changed." I can see how disappointed Nicole is.
  When we arrived at the counter, we ordered two kinds of mini pizza and some drinks.
  "Do you want some muffins?" Nicole asked as she looked through the muffin basket
  No word could describe how massive and beautiful this home is. It is my first time stepping onto marble flooring like this.
  "Lucy- are you going to stay there and stare at everything? Come on in." Nicole smiled before opening the huge double door that leads to the foyer.
  "How many people live in this home?" I asked while contemplating if I should remove my shoes or walk-in.
  "If you feel uncomfortable, you can wear the slippers instead. Come. Let's go to my room." Huh? Shouldn't I be greeting her parents first?
  "My parents aren't home. I'm not sure if they will come home tonight. Let's hang out in my room and find the perfect dress to wear at the party.
  I followed Nicole as we walked up the stairs and walked across the long stretch of hallways while looking at the pictures on the wall.
  "Is that you?" I pointed at a picture of a little girl doing ballet.
  "Yeah. I was only seven years old when that picture was taken. Do I look cute?" Nicole chuckled.
  "I didn't know you did ballet. Why did you stop?" Nicole wiggled her finger.
  "Who told you I wait for ballet?" Huh? Wait-
  "You're still doing ballet?" Nicole nodded as she opened her room door.
  "Since I just started university, I thought it was nice to focus on my study and only went to the dance studio on the weekends. I love ballet, but I want to have my degree too. There's no harm in having both, right?" I admire this woman. She has everything she could ever ask for, but she still wants to work for her part.
  "You're a kind person, Nicole." Nicole chuckled as she continued to strut towards a door.
  "I know. Now, follow me." Nicole revealed another room inside her bedroom. I can't believe I get to see someone who has room for her clothes.
  "These are some of my formal dresses. Knock yourself out. I need to go to the bathroom for a bit. I've been holding it in since we leave the campus." I shook my head while Nicole went to the bathroom. Now- what should I do? I have never shopped for dresses before. Hell, I never even went to prom when I was a high school student.
  These dresses must have cost more than anything I've ever seen. The brands alone seem to be quite a tongue twister for me to pronounce. Should I go for the navy blue dress or the red dress? Would it be alright for me to wear a red dress to a party? I am just a nobody, after all.
  Besides, I don't think Nicole even asked her father if I could come with them.
  "Did you find anything?" Nicole asked when she came back from the bathroom.
  "I like these two." Nicole smiled.
  "It will look perfect on you. Either one would bring out your beauty. Ah- I had texted a friend of mine to do our make-up. I'll make you the most beautiful woman at the party. But of course, don't be discouraged if no one talks to you. Some gentlemen are loyal to their partner, after all. Don't forget to have fun, alright?" Huh? But I thought the only reason I was going to this party was that I was looking for one.
  "But if a gentleman decided to talk to you first, why not try your luck, right?" Nicole chuckled.
  "Nicole, am I doing the right thing?" Nicole smiled.
  "Nope. I'm being such a bad friend for telling my friend to find a sugar daddy." I guess so.
  "Should I just bail? There's always another way to help my family, right?" Nicole smiled.
  "You're right. I'm sorry. But you should still come with me to the party. I would be lonely, and my father would talk to his friends rather than keep his daughter company." I- I have no other choice then. Besides, I'm already here. You might as well enjoy it.
  "But did you tell your father that I'll be tagging along?" Nicole nodded.
  "My father doesn't mind. Besides, he was shocked to know that I brought a friend over." Nicole giggled before showing me the accessories that came together with the dress I had picked.
  "Is it really alright for me to wear these?"
  "Of course. Why would it matter? You're my friend, and friends exchange clothes, right?" Huh? Wait- exchange?
  "What do you mean by exchange?" Nicole seems confused.
  "You gave me a pair of clothes last night- it's only normal for me to give you something, right?" Oh- my- God.
  "Oh no- that's not how it works! The dress probably cost five months of my salary! I couldn't possibly accept such an exchange!" Nicole waved her hands.
  "Please- I insist. Please don't turn down my gift. It would make me sad if you continue to turn down everything I offered." But- she paid for Karina's trip without a second thought. That alone cost a fortune."
  "Really? It was only a couple of hundred dollars. Lucy, it's time for you to accept the fact that your friend is someone who likes to spend her money anywhere and everywhere she wants. If only I could help you with the debt, I would have too." I shake my head no.
  "That would make me feel like I'm using you for money. Nicole, please don't do that ever again." Nicole sighed.
  "Gosh- I promise I won't, okay. I was trying to help your sister since I am an only child. Karina was genuinely hoping to join her friends too. Besides, I don't have a sister." I see- she was just a cool older sister.
  "Hey, have you ever tasted soap?" Huh?
  "What do you mean?"
  "Have you ever tasted soap?" Nicole seems serious for some reason.
  "I don't think so. Why?"
  "When I was a child, I was curious about what soap tasted like and let out my tongue while my nanny blew the bubbles. Let me tell you this; it doesn't taste good." I- I am speechless. Why would you be curious about the taste of soap?!
  "I- um. Wow. I didn't expect to know something so personal." Nicole smiled.
  Nicole suggested that I stay at her house since it was too late for me to come home. Besides, the distance between her house and mine is white far. And since Z James must be tired from his work, I decided to call my parents and let them know that I'll be staying with Nicole for the night.
  "How are you feeling after meeting my parents?" Nicole asked when she walked out of the bathroom after washing her face.
  "Your parents aren't the people I expect to meet. I thought they would ask me questions after questions to interrogate me, but surprisingly they didn't." Nicole chuckled.
  "Why would they ask you questions as police do?" I shrugged my shoulder.
  "Well, my parents did. And so does my brother." Nicole went to the closet before walking back wearing see-through lingerie. Does this woman know what embarrassment means?
  "Are you sure you want to wear thick clothes like that?" I nodded. I don't think I'll be able to sleep wearing thin clothes since I feel like I'm in Alaska. How can this woman sleep wearing see-through in such temperature?
  "Are you nervous about tomorrow?" I nodded.
  "Me too. It's been a while since I went to any party. I hope people still remember me. The only reason why I'm going is that my father begged me to. Luckily I'm going with you. That way, I won't be too lonely." I smiled.
  "God, I'm tired. What are you doing standing there? Do you want to sleep on the couch or something? Come on- sleep next to me. The bed is big enough for the both of us." I- I don't know what to do. Why am I nervous?

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