7 - The Dinner

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  Lucia's PoV
  For the past few days, I don't know if it's just me, but I think things have been going rather smoothly than they usually do for me. Even the students at the campus don't try to get under my skin anymore. And the weirdest part would be when they showed some respect for me!
  "It seems everyone on campus knew that you met an Iscariot. I can see why they try to make a good impression on you. The gentleman who tried to take advantage of you must have opened his big mouth." Once again, I am confused.
  "Is Tiffany Iscariot that important of a person? I was lucky enough to meet her and ask for her help. It didn't take long for Alexander to release his grip on me." Nicole continued to feel sorry for me and started to apologize again.
  "Ugh! If only I didn't go to the bathroom and left you alone- nothing would happen. I'm sorry, Lucy." And whenever she's apologizing, I will tell her that everything is fine and she shouldn't be apologizing for something she didn't even mean to do.
  "I'm more worried about our next class. I haven't don't any study, and I heard from the other students that the lecturer is going to give us a quiz." As I continued to talk to Nicole about the surprise quiz and which subject the lecturer might include, I couldn't help but notice someone was making her way toward us.
  I normally wouldn't bother much, but that person seemed familiar, and she smiled the moment we made eye contact. Where did I see this woman before?
  "Lucia Reid? My name is Lia, and I work for Tiffany Iscariot. Please forgive me for my sudden visit, but if you wouldn't mind, can you take some time from your busy schedule for a cup of tea with me? I'll be waiting at the cafeteria." I didn't have a chance to ask her the reason when she excused herself.
  "Am I in trouble?" Nicole shrugged her shoulder.
  "Either way, it's best to see her after class. Who knows, it might be important. For someone who works for Tiffany Iscariot to come and meet you in person- her mistress must have ordered her to do so. Who knows, it might be good news, right?" Nicole is trying to tell me to think positively in any situation, but how can I?
  I don't know if I can focus on the quiz now.
  As soon as my class ended, I decided to find the woman named Lia in the cafeteria. I've been wondering why and even though I may have offended that woman who helped me last night.
  "Miss Reid-" Lia waved her hands as I walked into the cafeteria. I smiled at the woman before apologizing for being late.
  "It's alright as long as you're here. Do you want anything to drink or eat, maybe?" I shake my head no. I don't think my body can digest food at the moment.
  "I see- then I shall reveal the reason for our meeting. Let me get to the point so we won't waste more time. My mistress, miss Tiffany invited you to dinner tonight. If you agree, a car will be picking you up at your home tonight. But if you refuse, there's nothing I can do except telling my mistress that you said no. But do you want to decline this invitation after what my mistress did to save you?" Was that a threat? If that's the case, I have no other choice but to say yes.
  "And no, this is not a threat." I think this woman knows how to read her mind.
  "And no, I don't know how to read the minds, but I know how to observe a person's body language. You're confused and scared, but you're also curious about my mistress's invitation." Is this woman just a maid or a detective? I assume she's a maid based on what she's wearing.
  "Oh- I heard the students talking about a maid on campus, but I didn't expect to see you, miss Lia. How have you been?" Why is the dean here?! I stood up from my seat to show respect. Lia smiled while she remained in her seat.
  "I am here for miss Lucia. It's nice to see you again, Dean Braun." I never thought the dean would act like an ass kisser in front of Lia. What background does this woman have to make someone as proud as the dean to act this way?
  Is it because of Tiffany?
  "Before I forget, I know I should be giving this to the dean in his office, but I don't have the time since I have other urgent matters to deal with. Here are some donations from my mistress to the university. I'm sure the dean would find the amount is different from the usual. It's a way for my mistress to thank the dean for taking care of miss Lucia." The dean seemed surprised as looking at Lia and me back and forth.
  "I see. Thank you for the donations. This will help a lot of our students who came from normal backgrounds to achieve their dream." The dean then looks at the cheque with his eyes wide open.
  "Is this the amount that miss Iscariot wrote herself?" Lia smiled before nodding her head. What does she mean by way of her mistress to thank the dean for taking care of me? What is happening? I am so clueless!
  "Thank you. Please, do continue with your conversation." The dean smiled before excusing himself.
  "The dean was only a lecturer when I was a student here. But because he has such great visions for the university, the board of directors agreed to make him the dean. Miss Tiffany was also his student, and she respected him for his contribution. That man was also responsible for creating many well-known figures today." I heard about the dean's achievement before but didn't expect him to have such high regard from his former students.
  "Miss Lucia, you haven't told me your answer to the invitation." Lia smiled.
  "What time for I have to get ready? And do I have to wear something formal?" I asked. Lia smiled.
  "The car will come by 7 pm. There's no specific dress code. Just wear something comfortable. We shall meet tonight." Lia smiled before excusing herself.
  Wait- does she know where I live?
  "Miss Lucia," the driver smiled after he opened the door.
  "Are you nervous?" I nodded as I took his hand and got out of the car.
  "Don't be. When I went for my interview, I, too, felt nervous. Being nervous shouldn't be a big deal since  I used to serve this country as a soldier. I thought I wouldn't feel anything after what I've been through, but I guess wrong. Miss Tiffany might be overbearing sometimes, but she has a kind heart. So my advice, don't be nervous because she's not like other blue blood." I don't know if that is supposed to comfort me or not. But the driver is too sweet and kind towards me.
  "Thank you for the advice." The driver smiled.
  "Now, if you walk towards the entrance, Lia should be waiting by the door." I thanked him and walked towards the door to see Lia waiting for me, just like what the driver said.
  "It's nice to see you again, miss Lucia. Miss Tiffany is waiting for you. Please follow me." I did as told and followed Lia into an elevator, where she pressed the number to the highest floor.
  "Am I dressing alright?" I asked Lia, who smiled at me.
  "You look beautiful as ever, miss Lucia. Anything you wear will always look good on you." Somehow that compliment means more than it should. Does it mean I don't look fine or my clothes are not as good? I wear the best clothes that I only wear for going to church.
  "Are you nervous?" I nodded as I put my hands together to stop myself from shaking too much.
  "This is not your first time meeting Miss Tiffany, though. You two even hold hands at the party." That's before I know who that woman is. Now that I did, I feel like what I did to her was rude.
  When the elevator door opened, my legs decided to betray me, and I couldn't move. I'm frozen in my spot, and Lia has to grab my hand to help me walk.
  "Don't be nervous. Miss Tiffany only invited you to dinner and nothing else." Lia assured me as we walked into a luxurious penthouse. After seeing Nicole's home, I thought nothing could be that surprising anymore, but this home has a different vibe that I couldn't explain.
  Everything seems out of this world, and I can see how much it is worth just by looking at it. I need to constantly remind myself not to break anything as I walk through this home.
  "Hello- welcome to my home." Wow! Is that the same Tiffany that saved me yesterday? Last night she wore a dress which looked gorgeous on her. But now she's wearing a suit with her long black hair tied in a high ponytail. Did my heart skip a beat?
  "Thank you for the invitation." Tiffany smiled as she offered me a seat on the couch. Do I sit, or should I ask for permission? But this woman invited me to take a seat, though.
  "What are you waiting for? Have a seat. Dinner will be served shortly." I nodded before taking a seat on the couch. There was an awkward silence between us until Tiffany decided to ask me something.
  "Were you manage to find a sugar daddy at the party?" Huh? How did she know my initial reason for coming to the party?
  "I decided not to find one. I realized that being one would mean I have to risk my future." Tiffany smiled.
  "Really? I thought you needed some help financially. I can help you with that." I turned to Tiffany, who took a few sips of her drink. What does she mean by that?
  "Have it ever come across your mind that it's possible to find a sugar mommy? I don't mind paying for everything as long as you follow what I want you to do for me." I- I am speechless. Everything happened too suddenly, and I didn't know how to respond.
  "If you agree to be my escort, I will pay for your living expenses, and whatever you ask for, I will fulfill it. But of course, it doesn't mean everything is free. There are conditions and rules to follow, and I expect you never to break them. It's your choice to accept my proposal or not. But I hope you think about it because such chances are rare." This woman is right.
  "What sort of things do I have to do?" Tiffany smiled.
  "All you have to do is accompany me to various places, always accept my calls, and reply to my messages. Never question what I'm giving and doing for you because who knows, I might be a kind person on that day. Last bit, of course, not the least, be your beautiful self. That's it." Huh? That's it? That's impossible. There should be more than that.
  Should I accept her offer?
  "What if I told you to pay my family's debt?" Tiffany chuckled.
  "That request doesn't seem hard for me to fulfill. Whatever the amount is, it wouldn't take me an hour to handle it." That's too good to be true.
  "Do I have to do anything to put myself in danger?" Tiffany thinks for a moment before shaking their head.
  "You might have to travel overseas often, but I don't think that would be dangerous. Ah, I almost forgot. On the weekends, you have to stay with me. You should bring your clothes here, so you don't have to go back and forth every week." Tiffany smiled.
  I knew it- of course, I had to sleep with her. But it would be that hard, right? She is a woman, after all. It's not like I'll get pregnant from it. What's so hard about being her escort?
  "When can I start?" Tiffany chuckled.
  "You can start tonight. Have dinner with me. And tomorrow, I will pick you up from your home and then send you to the university." But thy would make others know that I am her escort. What if they somehow tell my parents?
  "Why? You look worried." As expected, Tiffany looks like someone who knows how to read the room.
  "What if my parents know? They'll be disappointed in me." Tiffany chuckled.
  "Your parents will eventually know. I suggest that you come clean to them. If I have to pay for the debt in full, you have to tell them where you got the money, right? I can talk to them if you're afraid." I shake my head no.
  "My parents will kill me; they really will." Tiffany chuckled.
  "Do you want to keep it a secret? For how long? You're worried about your family, and you wish those loan sharks to stay away from your family, right?" I nodded my head.
  "Alright- I see what I can do." Huh? What does that mean? Am I doing the right thing? But I was smitten by this woman's money. All those trip to the church every Sunday doesn't mean anything since I have sinned.
  But no one should be blaming me. I'm doing what I can to help my family. I'm doing this so my family won't have to get hurt. I love my family, and I'll do anything for them.
  "Enough fighting with your inner self. Dinner is served." Tiffany offered her hand to me. I'm supposed to decline her hand, but I'm too scared to offend this woman.
  "Are you scared of me?" I shake my head no.
  "I'm not a scary person. Don't challenge- and you shall never have to see that side of me." Oh my.

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