Chapter Five

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Theo looked at me. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked. "Why didn't you tell me that she was sick?"

"Why didn't I tell you?" I replied. "You've been the one avoiding me."

"Avoiding you," he answered. "I've been busy, Joline."

"Well, it feels like you have. I was lonely, Theo. I needed you."

"I'm so sorry, Joline." He gave me a smile. "I'll try to make it up to you."

"Thanks", I answered.


I got back to Molly as she waited by the entrance. "You still don't wanna stay and party?" she asked.

"I'm not in the mood," I said. "But you can stay if you want."

"No, it's alright." She looked at me. "I'm too tired anyway."

I raised my eyebrow. "Since when do you say no to a chance to party?"

"Since today", she smiled. "I want to have a girl's night."

"Then we could have skipped it in the first place," I muttered. "Then I would've avoided seeing him."

She widened her eyes. "You mean Theo Clarke?!" she exclaimed. "I get you don't like him but..."

"Oh, it's much more complicated than that."

"Then what is it?" she wondered.

"I can't tell you," I answered. "That's a story for another time."


We walked home and I sat down on Molly's bed as I had done a few hours ago. She went into the closet to change into something more comfortable.
"So," she called from there, "what movie do you wanna see?"

"Actually," I said back, "I just wanna see something that isn't boring. Something that can wipe my thoughts off my mind."

"What about our movie?" Molly answered.
"Sure, put it on while I change."

Our movie, you might think. What movie is that?
She meant Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. We called it our movie because it was the movie we've seen the most throughout our friendship, and we both loved it.

I walked into her closet and took the dress off. I didn't really know where to put it, so I asked Molly. "Where should I put the dress?"

"Don't bother," she shouted back, "keep it!"

"Are you sure?" I answered.

"Yeah, it's no big deal."

"Thanks," I said.

When I had put the dress in my bag I changed into my gray soft sweater and soft pants. The leather anklet sat on its right spot on my left ankle. I put up my hair in a ponytail before walking out to Molly again.

She was standing in the kitchen, filling bowls with candy and chips. I sat down on the sofa as she came with the bowls in her hands.
She put them down on the table. "Dad comes home late tonight, so we have at least a few hours alone," she said.
I lifted a blanket up and bedded myself down in it. Molly unpaused the movie.


The movie was finished. Molly had fallen asleep on my shoulder. It wasn't like her to sleep so early. I almost got worried. I lifted my phone from the pocket of my jeans and went on Instagram. When I only saw pictures of Theo taken from the evening I gave up.

Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the display. It shone up with the text "Jacob". Jacob was my cousin on my mom's side. He studied to be a singer in New York. He lived in our old apartment and had never renovated it. At least that was what he said. He was twenty-four and the cousin I was most drawn to as a child. I loved him.

"Joline?" he said on the other end of the phone.

"Joline, are you there?"

I answered quickly. "Yes, yes I'm here."

I heard how he sighed. "I heard about aunt Therese. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," I said while I was trying to hold back my tears. I was ready to cry.

He probably heard that, because the next thing he said was: "Do you wanna come live with me for a while?"

I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "If I can. I don't know how the school handles things like this."

"I'll try to make them understand", he answered.

When I talked my voice almost sounded like a whisper. "Thanks, Jacob."

"No problem," he said, "you know I'll do anything for you, Joline."


Molly had woken up from her little nap while I was on the phone.

"Who was that?" she asked.

"Hello to you too," I answered.

"Hi." She stretched where she laid beside me.

"How long did I sleep?"

"Long enough to miss the ending."

"Why didn't you wake me?" she asked.

"You always cry anyway."

"C'mon," she complained. "It's so sad. I swear to God that every normal person does that."

"I guess I'm not normal then," I countered.

"You certainly are not." She held out her tongue. "You're far away from normal."

"But, Joline," she continued, "who were you talking to?"

I sighed and looked at her. "Do you remember Jacob?"

"The cousin that took over your apartment?"

I nodded. "I'm moving in with him," I said. "I'm moving back home again."

"Home?" she wondered. "I thought this was your home?"

"It is," I assured, "but New York will always be my real home."

"I understand." She looked a bit sad.

"Hey," I embraced her in a hug, "it'll be alright."

She sobbed a little. "I have to come to visit."

"You better!" I exclaimed.

And then we burst out laughing together.

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