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Nadya Dragomirov

"I fell a thousand times, got up and kept going, made over a hundred mistakes, but once I told him, I don't let anyone humiliate me, not even him, I don't get over it

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"I fell a thousand times, got up and kept going, made over a hundred mistakes, but once I told him, I don't let anyone humiliate me, not even him, I don't get over it."


General Kirigan
***Shadow Summoner***

"I gave her everything she wanted, she acted like the queen of the Little Palace and again she finds sinners in me, she doesn't realize that there are things much bigger than her that only I can control

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"I gave her everything she wanted, she acted like the queen of the Little Palace and again she finds sinners in me, she doesn't realize that there are things much bigger than her that only I can control."


Alina Starkov
***Sun Summoner***

"I don't want to be special, I don't want this power

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"I don't want to be special, I don't want this power. But it seems that I am the only one who can bring liberation to Ravka, and then maybe I will be free myself. "


Katya Ivanov

"I can feel the storm, but it's not coming from me

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"I can feel the storm, but it's not coming from me. I recognize that look in her eyes, she has been wild since childhood, but at the same time so good and naive, but now everything is different. "


Mal Oretsev
***The Tracker***

"I didn't know she was my true north until I lost her

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"I didn't know she was my true north until I lost her. I was blind for a long time and I did not see a girl waiting for me with longing. But I will find her and correct my mistake. "


Genya Safin

"Beauty is not everything

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"Beauty is not everything. I know I have that physical beauty, I am aware of that, but it has not brought me anything good in life. I feel used, rejected, even when I'm surrounded by people. "


I hope you like what I have prepared for you.

Mia 🖤

Manipulative souls || The Darkling (English)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora