Chapter 1: Deep desire

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Ravka used to be a land of dreams. A kingdom that, despite all the wars, managed to get back on its feet and which was a proof of prosperity and peace. But misfortune never comes alone. Darkness enveloped the country, and the Shadow Fold divided the once magnificent land into Eastern and Western Ravka. The conflict arose again, the enemies did not sleep. Despite the unimaginable misfortune, everyone saw their own benefit. In the north was Fjerda, and in the south Shu Han. They looked at sins as unnatural creatures, witches, who used their magic to harm them and create even more harm to them.
But for Nadya Dragomirov, Ravka was home. She grew up in Os Alta and loved every mile of her country. She had a desire to travel the world, but in the depths of her soul she felt that they could not compete with the beauty of Ravka and her people. She did not carry hatred in her heart, but still part of her felt contempt for Fjerdans, who was called Druskelle, witch hunters, more precisely grisha. So she was left without parents, who, like her, were talented grishas, ​​and yet they fell into their trap and without any compassion and consideration for the girl, they killed them, while she, thanks to the Saints, was saved.

The queen took her under her wing and raised her as her child. She was taught as if she were a member of the royal family, she lived in the Grand Palace, she had the best teachers, she knew she was loved, but she knew it was not the same, she missed her parents and every day and year without them seemed harder. She started her training as one of the grishas at the age of 9 and every day she went to the Little Palace, practiced, studied, but at the same time she admired it. Little Palace gave the impression of home, every detail was lovingly furnished, even the paintings on the walls gave off warmth and welcome. There she did not feel as if she did not belong, she felt that she was where she should be, but the queen did not allow her to move to live there, she said that she would understand everything when she was old enough and she was, but very late.

She worked hard for years, every drop of sweat, every muscle pain, every psychological pressure that Baghra inflicted on her, paid off, because she became one of the best Tidemakers in the Little Palace. She knew that she would be the pride of her parents and that they would smile warmly at her, hug her and say that she was their little sea nymph. She did not understand how, in addition to her father Inferni and mother Healer, she received the gift of managing water, but she did not think about it. She was grateful for her gift, because she loved water, she loved waves and she enjoyed the feeling that floods her whole body when she manages it. Even now, so many years later, even though she thinks that her life is filled with the greatest madness, she thinks that she deserves to be happy and will not allow anyone to interfere with her goal.


The morning rays broke through the windows of the Little Palace and warmed the face of the girl with long brown hair. She didn't like mornings, she was a person who could lie in her spacious bed until noon and watch the ceiling of her room and just think, nothing special, but she knew she had obligations and she was aware that she had to do them. She opened her eyes and sat up. She didn't sleep well, she was tired and it all showed on her face. She loved that Genya was there and she only tidied up a little, but Nadya knew that the queen needed her, Genya was still in her hands, and she was forbidden to help the grisha in the Little Palace that way.

Reluctantly, she got up and washed herself. It was the time of year that she loved very much, autumn was approaching, and she could walk for hours on the spacious land and watch how nature changes. She was fascinated by the cycle of nature, she wanted to notice every moment when the greenery changes its colors and bathes in the most beautiful colors of autumn. Then she could sit quietly in front of the fireplace in her room and read books about all parts of the world, dreaming that one day she would be the one to visit them.

She brushed slowly through her wavy hair and admired herself in front of a huge mirror, which was decorated with tiny gems. She was one of the people who knew how to appreciate herself and first she loved herself, and only then others. She was not selfish, everyone in the Little Palace loved her, but she declared and said that she would never humiliate herself and her dignity for someone and everyone accepted and appreciated it, all but one person, who thought he could control her and manipulates her, but Nadya knew better and did not fall for his attempts.

The opening of the door tore her from her thoughts, and in spite of everything, a small smile appeared on her face. He walked in without an invitation and watched her with those dark eyes, as if he wanted to soak up her aura. He was, as he was every day, in his black kefta, which showed power, position, as well as being the only Shadow Summoner, that there was no one like him. And when he spoke, his voice was like sparks, which ignited those feelings in her stomach, which she tried to cover up.
"Good morning, moya lapushka."

She turned her head to him for a moment and delighted him with her wide smile, but she continued to rummage through her jewelry box, looking for the necklace he had given her.
"Good morning, what can I do for you this morning... General?" She challenged him, and out of the corner of her eye she saw him approach her and stand behind her, watching her in the mirror. She felt his breath on her neck and would lie when she would say she didn't feel any excitement. He moved her hair lightly and transferred it to the other shoulder, pointing to the necklace she held in her hands. It was a simple silver necklace, with a small pendant of strange lines, but they reminded Nadya of waves, and the General as well, as soon as he ordered it made for her. Nadya knew it cost too much, but Kirigan didn't care about the price.

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