chapter one; the oath to her

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With a rather old cloth, the shield-maiden wiped over her shield, trying to get the leftover splatters of the dark red liquid off of it. After the fight between Jarl Borg and Jarl Ragnar started with the invasion of Kattegat, innocent men were slaughtered as the first attacked the town when most warriors sailed to the west to plunder the kingdoms of England even further. But the protector returned from the raid, planning to take back what was originally his, and Lagertha decided to travel to her ex-husband with enough warriors and shield-maidens to help take Kattegat back and celebrate a victory instead of another failure or loss.

Valdis was trained by the Lady of Hedeby herself, a famous and popular shield-maiden, adored by almost every female that wanted to strengthen themselves. Lagertha trained a few women of the village, helping them to hold a shield as their protection and a sword in their other hand to strike the enemies that would want to kill or injure them. In a cruel world, a female must be able to take care of herself. A Viking would not always be around to raise his axe against incoming enemies.

Throwing the dirty cloth into the bucket filled with water, she started to feel the annoyance rise inside of her as she couldn't get her shield completely cleaned again. The splatters showed how many enemies she had slain, how many people she tormented with the sharpened blade of her sword, cutting through their skin and opening up deadly wounds.

Brushing the braided black strands out of her face with her dirty, slender fingers, she leaned back against one of the wooden huts. Brown orbs inside of the heavy-lidded eyes were dark pools of loneliness as her cold gaze pathed its way through the streets of Kattegat. Females and males were working in the mud, trying to clean their clothes or sell their inventory to passing people. When she found a point to fix her eyes on, she was greeted by Lagertha, walking in her direction but this time without a shield by her side and only equipped with a knife. With a wide smile on her lips, the known warrior didn't look frightening for once, and it was a very pleasing sight.

" Lagertha. " Valdis exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air in a cheerful way. It happened to be a very rare moment when the raven-haired showed her emotions, even letting her plump lips form a decent and genuine smile. With her arms wildly outstretched, the famous shield-maiden pulled her favorite into her arms for a hug. It wasn't uncommon to lose the people closest to you in such a battle, especially when it was Vikings fighting against their own kind. But with the extra training sessions for the young warrior, Lagertha started to admire her like a daughter; a ghost of Gyda.

" My dear Valdis, I have a tough question to ask. " Lagertha ran her flat hands over the leather armor of her chest, seating herself on one of the woodblocks next to Valdis' former position. With a deep breath, the words started to gather inside of her head as the Lady of Hedeby couldn't stop her lips from spreading into an amused grin. It was a foolish favor she had in mind, a request that Valdis could decline without overthinking but if she would accept, Lagertha would feel better about her departure. and grateful for an eternity.

" I'm leaving Kattegat and Bjorn wants to stay with Ragnar, which I can understand with all my heart. No matter how much I try to be angry about this decision, I can't. " The blonde admitted, knowing that the Lothbrok's father would be a way better guide to becoming a Viking than Lagertha could. There was a thin line between warrior and shield-maiden but still a difference that could make a huge impact.

" Would you do me the favor of staying in Kattegat with him, lend him your shield and protect him for me? " Valdis blinked repeatedly, staring sightlessly at the Lady in front of her. A request that she never thought would be asked, knowing how much Bjorn trained in Hedeby with his own sword and figures made out of strong wood. "But you don't need to if you don't -"

" I will do it for you, Lagertha. " Valdis interrupted the rambled words of Lagertha, placing one of her hands on her shoulder to comfort the Lady of Hedeby. The blonde shield-maiden couldn't stop the outbreak of a wide smile, a thankful one for the agreement. With the request of protecting her only son, the one person Lagertha had left, she knew she was asking for a heavy burden to carry, a promise to always hold her shield in front of Bjorn and save him from any attack; even if it would be her own death. But Valdis wouldn't decline any favor from Lagertha, not after having her utter support in training.

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