chapter three; boundaries

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While the sun lowered itself behind the line of the horizon, drowning the great sea at Kattegat's shore into an ocean of glitter. Like the golden stars fell from the darkened sky and decided to sail over the untamed waves of water to find their own destiny.

A view the shield-maiden could get used to, but she knew that her path would lead her across the oceans of the world to explore different countries with Ragnar Lothbrok's crew. Courage and loyalty were two of the most used descriptions that Valdis heard about the current Earl while walking through the muddy streets of Hedeby. Nearly every human being talked about the Viking, sharing their negative and positive opinions about his decision and how he discovered the lands to the West before anyone else could.

No living man had the desire to explore the mysteries that waited to be discovered; the fear of becoming lost in the untamed ocean, forced to watch Thor's thunders strike the waves right next to the wooden boat, left the females and males uncertain about such a journey.

Seated on a wooden, small dock, the ends of her toes grazed the cooled down water many times when the waves crashed against the construction. With a speculative gaze towards the horizon, Valdis thought about the outcome of their raid to the west. If she would ever see Kattegat or Lagertha for another time, or if Odin decided to not let her survive the long sailing over the depth of the ocean. But before the shield-maiden would allow herself to put the sword and shield to rest, she wanted to see the glorious treasure, Ragnar talked about. But Kattegat was already a step closer to a city of dreams; more than her hometown.

And as she danced the night away, with Ubbe on her right hand and Hvisterk holding on to the left one, Valdis could feel the freedom and happiness of being in a place where she wanted to be instead of Hedeby. Lagertha was a beautiful soul, a great Lady to the tormented people of the town but with the Earl on the throne, all of them were cursed. The most important things he cared about, were the gold and silver coins, the beauty of woman and the amounts of food and ale on the table when he was prepared for a feast.

Not how any of the citizens felt about almost having no coin in their clothes, dirty and cluttered with holes; some bigger, some smaller. People, who tried to create a living with the loom and plow were ambushed by the Vikings that received the worst punishment. A symbol burned into their flesh on the side of their face to identify them as the outcasts. Males and Females who took part in a crime against the people of a town and the Earl but sentencing them to death would have been the easy way. And as they seeked for the easiest way of revenge, they found a way to punish someone who was completely innocent but the flame of rage burned lower for a short span of time.

But the comfortableness of her stay in Kattegat was quickly overthrown by the disgusting and lingering stares of the guest, King Horik and Prince Erlendur. Eyes squinted together as if a eagle was prepared to lower himself and hunt down a prey to feed on it. To prevent the further interactions with one of them, Valdis brought the two children back to the table and to their mother, who was thankful for the distraction as the King started to talk about the disturbing executions Ecbert deserved for breaking what Ragner and him promised to do.

Excusing herself from the feast, she wanted to disappear in the darkest corners of Kattegat to hide from the males that took an interest in her. She wasn't a child anymore, but also not a slave who had to do what the people wanted from her. A shield-maiden with pride and honor, no one would break through what Lagertha built inside of her. The long skirt of the floating black dress in between her fingers, she started to run down the muddy streets of Kattegat and towards the harbor where the ocean would be the only company that she accepted at such a time.

So she sat on the wooden construction for hours, seeing how the moon drowned the town in a dim white light and the golden dots enlightened the midnight colour with their indescribable shine. Cotton-like clouds disappeared with the sun and offered the people of Kattegat a clear sky to watch every twinkle of the stars. A beautiful image, drawn by the most talented young man in history and the sheets of paper were put into sky; a sight that should be enjoyed by two romantically involved human beings but Valdis rested alone, in calmness and relief.

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