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(Neva's POV)

I woke up in what seemed a medical area but not the friendly kind. I turned to my side and saw my boss with his sleeping head next to me holding my hand. What happened? All that I can remember was I was in my office avoiding my boss. Then he came in to see if I was alright then everything was black. What happened to me? I moved uncomfortably in my bed trying to get a good position. I woke my boss up though. "Neva!" He hugged me. "I was so worried."
"What happened?"
"You went unconscious?"
"But why?"
"That's what we don't know, but I've got some great news."
"What is it?" I asked curiously,
"The machine is up and running and now we can set the plan into action." He said with such excitement it made me smile for his happiness.
"When are you going to set the plan into action?"
"In about 2 hours. I have to go."
"Don't leave!" I pleaded,
"I don't want to leave you either but Raidyn's somehow escaped." He ran off and I was left there in the bed. My wings had disappeared and I was back to my nerdy self. I swung my legs from the bed to the floor and slid my feet into my shoes and looked at my necklace that I hid from him. Even after me and Samir broke up I still wanted to keep his gift he gave me years ago. I looked at the whisp of air symbol. Guess he's never going to represent that any more, then I moved over to the vine. I miss my nature powers, I may never get them back.

I hid the necklace once again and then headed out the door. As I went through I was surrounded by withered dying plant life with creatures of all sizes dying out. Tears formed in my eyes when I looked round at broken buildings and burning hell.
"What happened?"
"We happened my love, we rule this dead kingdom together! *evil laughter*."
"No! No....this isn't happening...." My knees buckled down as I stared at the death and destruction. A devil knelt down next to me and caressed my cheek,
"This is as real as it'll get, same for this..." He leaned in as if to kiss me.
"TERRA!" I turned from the devil and saw Raidyn running towards me, I turned back towards where the devil was, but nothing was there. No death, no hell, no withered plant life. Just a door.
"What happened?" I went, pressing my hand over my head as if I had a headache.
"I was searching for you and you were crying and staring at that door." I wiped my eyes and spun round to see Raidyn there next to me.
"How did you get out?"
"Out of where?" His kind caring image morphed into a greyer image of myself with even darker hair. She wore ripped clothes and devilish grin.
"I've always been with you. I was with you since you existed."
"What are you!?" I went backing against the stone door.
"I'm your worst nightmare!" Screeching at me as I screamed, looming over me with red eyes.

"NEVA!" I looked past my evil other half and saw Samir. But not the devil, his old self. My evil half turned to mist and went away. I raced to Samir and hugged him only to find him go into transformation. Noise filled the room; almost deafening. Eyes began to fill with tears and I covered my ears desperately. Screaming my head off adding to the painful sounds.

I sat up screaming making the medics cover their ears. "Neva!" He hugged me, calming me down. I began to cry into his shoulder. "What's wrong love?" I couldn't speak. I was too shaken up to reply.
"I-I-I..." I stuttered,
"Your help is of no further need. Go." The medics shrugged and left closing the door behind them. I returned to my normal self as I could no longer feel my wings. Continuing to hug Samir. He handed me a steaming mug of something,
"W-what's...t-this?" I continued to stutter,
"It's hot soup. It'll calm your nerves." I took a sip as the calming aroma filled my senses. He was right. It did calm my nerves. I lapped up the last of it and he asked me,"Feel better?"
"Lots." He helped me up and lead me to the sofa; sitting next to me.
"Now...what happened?"

The devil angel and the two broken heartsWhere stories live. Discover now