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Zena's POV

I kept screaming even as I fell onto my knees. My hands were outstretched in the direction where they were last. My mind kept replaying the dead look in Acacia's eyes. She was moments away from death when Yeira carted her off to a different dimension. I slapped the ground and screamed even louder.

"Z." Maman wrapped her arms around me.


Maman swiftly lifted me up and directed Alec and Lexi to search the area. The two nodded and flitted away. I kept clawing at the air while maman moved me to a different room. I wailed and begged her to take me back, so she attempted to reason with me. I was beyond reasoning and just wanted my wife back. Maman's face softened at seeing my distressed and desperate state. I'd give anything to get Acacia back. I'd even willingly trade my life for Acacia's. Just bring her back, Yeira!

"There was a note." Mum entered the room to reveal a slip of paper.

Maman nervously glanced at mum, but she ignored her and approached me. Mum knelt in front of me while reading the message. I squeezed my fists and could feel my nails digging into the skin. She thinks that just leaving an apology message will make up for destroying a part of me?!

"We'll find her." Maman assured me.

"YOU'LL FIND HER DEAD!" I screamed. "She took her and has no intention of returning her." I sniffled.

"She was that desperate." Mum whispered to herself.

"YOU ALWAYS DEFEND HER!" I waved an accusatory finger at mum. "Everytime she does something bad, you rationalize it. You give her all these excuses. She can never do anything wrong in your eyes. You're an enabler!"

"Petite chou, calm down." Maman made me face her.

"No! She always defends her and is on her side. What about me?! What about my mate?! You don't care because I'm not her! You've always loved her more than me!" I shouted.

"Little dove, that's not tru-"

"You had an instant connection with her... something you didn't have with me." I sniffled and looked down. "What was so wrong with me that you couldn't form an attachment and had to learn to love me?! Did you not want me?!"

"Z, you know that's not true." Maman spoke up.

"Zena, I've always loved you. There isn't a second that goes by that I don't fall more in love-"

"But, it'll always be Yeira. She's your favorite. I get that because she looks like a young maman." I then faced maman. "I'm sure you also enjoy seeing a replica of yourself." I spat at the two before dashing out the house.

I don't know why, but I sped to the school. I just needed to get away from those patronizing people. I sped to the area where the stoners got high. I gripped my hair and pulled at it as I thought about my world falling apart. Acacia was my world and to not have her here is destroying me from the inside out. I began clawing at my chest and drawing an immense amount of blood. My heart hurt, so I thought the best course of action would be to get rid of it.

"Woah there..." I looked up to see Harley and Madison. "What's got you so distressed? It better be Naomi's disappearance." They snapped.

"Please, go away." I panted.

"Where is she?" Madison approached me.

"I... I can't deal with this right now. Please, leave me." I begged, but Madison shoved me.

"Why are you here and not saving her?! Harley snapped, prompting Madison to shove me again.

"I can't... please, I don't have the energy-"

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