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Zena's POV

Acacia invited me for some high tea thingy in the gardens. As I was walking down the halls, I heard thrashing and screaming. I furrowed my brows since I unfortunately recognized that yell. I stopped and watched Yeira being dragged away while she clutched onto a can of spray paint. Bridey looked pissed as she dragged my sister towards her office.

My curiosity got the best of me, so I went around the corner. I stopped and stared in disbelief at the horrendous tagging Yeira did. I think she even spelled Hana's name wrong, which made me facepalm. I felt a presence next to me and looked up to see Hana. She shook her head and looked at me to explain, but what was there to explain?! My sister was an absolute idiot!

"I would love to stay and discuss what an airhead my sister is, but I have to be somewhere."

"Oh, ya! I helped Acacia- never mind." She impishly smiled. "Have fun."

I gave her a wave before continuing to find Acacia. I found her in the middle of the garden, pouring tea. I secretly hope she didn't make any of this and left the cooking to Hana or someone else. She spotted me and smiled, causing a smile to make its way to my face.

"Hi." She shyly smiled.

"You're very pretty."

"Thank you. I decided to try high tea."

"Did you make it?" I cautiously sipped it. "Hmm... it tastes good."

"Eris made it for me." I gave her a shocked look. "I forced her to." Yep, now that sounds like Acacia. "So how are you?"

"Witnessed my sister graffiti the walls to proclaim her love for Hana. Hana wasn't amused and neither was Bridey. She dragged Yeira to her office."

"She's very desperate."

"I am a little surprised how quickly you and Hana patched things up. I thought she'd be a little harder."

"So did I." Acacia breathed out. "I just kept apologizing and regretting my actions. I told her that my heart lies with you and I strayed from you. I told her how everything happened and how I was so ashamed."

"So I was thinking we could go away on this couple's retreat. It's supposed to help bring couples closer and strengthen their bond. And then maybe... get married here? I don't know." I shrugged.

"Your birthday is in less than a week, so I was hoping to throw you a party. Or do something special for you." Acacia nervously bit her lip. "That's if you want to. It's totally fine if you want to do something different. We can do something more private or you can do stuff with other people-"

"Aqua, I'd prefer to enjoy the day with you." I kissed her hands. "I appreciate the thought and everything. It makes me happy. It really does. The only thing is that birthdays were never something I really looked forward to since no one cared when I was abducted. It was just another day to remind me that my parents were never coming."

"Oh, I'm sorry. We don't-"

"Even if we just walk the town, it'd be the best birthday ever. I just want to spend it with you."

"How can you want that when I hurt you?" Tears lined her eyes. "Something so simple and... Zena, it kills me inside. I should've never done anything like that to you. You're so sweet and kind and caring and forgiving. You should be angrier! Be made at me!" I wrapped my arms around her. "No! Don't comfort me!" She pushed me away. "Yell at me!"

"Aqua, how are we supposed to move past this when you won't let it go?" I sadly asked. "I forgive you and know it was a little out of your control. I don't think you realize, but you were slightly brainwashed into committing those actions. That's why Hana and I aren't still angry with you. We're angry at Yeira because she shows little to no remorse."

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