Chapter 7

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The following day, Yujin pushed through the doors of her school with a permanent smile on her face. She still couldn't believe yesterday even happened. After Yujin had confessed her feelings and finally admitted her sexuality out loud, it felt like the weight on her chest had been lifted and thrown by a beautiful brown eyed girl.

Walking to her locker, she failed to notice the figure standing there waiting for her. Instead, ran into them head on, causing her to stumble backwards and fall onto the floor.

"Damn, Yujin, I know I'm beautiful but you don't need to fall for me," Rei chuckled, stretching her hand out for the girl to grab and hoisted her back up on her feet.

"Sorry Rei, just a little distracted," Yujin rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed that she barreled into her best friend.

"Distracted by a certain girl?" Rei asked, wiggling her eyebrows playfully. Yujin just laughed, shoving Rei by the shoulder lightly.

Once their laughter died down, Yujin sighed contently. "Yeah, yeah I am."

Rei started laughing again, until she registered what Yujin had said. Her eyes widened almost comically as she screamed, "EXCUSE ME?!" Yujin couldn't help but laugh at her best friend as she continued yelling.

"OH SO THE SHIP CAN SAIL WITHOUT THE CAPTAIN NOW? I SEE HOW IT IS!" Rei exclaimed with a snap of her fingers and a bob of her head.

"Rei, shut the hell up," Yujin shook her head at her best friend, smiling dumbly at the floor.

"Oh hell now, your gonna give me the deets right now honey," Rei sassed. Yujin waited for more salt to come spewing out of Yujin's mouth but heard nothing. Brown eyes locked up to see Rei looking up and glaring at someone behind her. "If you ain't gonna tell me, I'll just make the second half of Annyeongz tell me."

Yujin turned around to see Wonyoung walking towards them, and the sight of the younger girl almost knocked the wind out of Yujin. Not because she dressed up extra special or anything, but because the smile on her face was so beautiful and she was so beautiful that Yujin couldn't believe she ever thought she didn't have feelings for the girl before.

"I swear to god if you don't-"

Whatever threat Rei was going to say died on her lips as she watched Wonyoung walk straight up to Yujin and plant one kiss right on the brown eyed girls lips, their eyes closing as they kissed each other contently. Rei could literally only stare as her beautiful ship set sails on the seas of live.

As they pulled away, Rei pretended to wipe tears from her eyes. "My heart," she whispered, pretending to get choked up.

"Oh shut the fuck up, Naoi," Wonyoung sassed, making Yujin laugh into her girlfriend's neck.

"I can't just shut up when you two look so damn cute together!" Rei exclaimed, the three of them laughing together.

"Hey what's going o- oh shit Annyeongz, what up!" Liz yelled as she walked up to the giggling trio. Yujin blushed as she waved to Liz, still leaning into Wonyoung.

"Isn't my ship so beautiful?" Rei choked up again.

"Eh, I saw them last month, they're okay," Liz joked, shrugging.


"I better go before she gets riled up again. I'll see you at lunch babe?" Wonyoung spoke over Rei, addressing Yujin with a smile.

"That's probably a good idea, and yeah I'll see you then," Yujin blushed at the term of endearment but she didn't mind at all.

"Alright I'll see you later," and with that Wonyoung gently kissed Yujin before sauntering off towards her class.

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