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(Death, blood, Guns.)
If you were to have meet Peter before he went mute, you would of know that he always talked, you never could get him to shut his mouth. He would go on and on for hours, talking about Science or Ironman. He also loved "singing.."
Well.. more like screaming the words of Lost Boy. Maybe it was the fact that Peter himself thought he was a lost boy, or maybe it was because his name was a lot like Peter Pans. Either way, Peter loved that song. Little did he know, it was the last song his uncle would ever hear. It was the last song he would sing before going mute.

Here's how it all started.

Peter was a ordinary normal boy, he loved dancing and singing to his favorite songs. He loved yelling like a manic, he loved running around his room. That was until his uncle died and Aunt May became his last living relative.
Peters parents died in a car crash. They were driving Peter back home after he was born. A drunk driver hit them and they both died. Peter Survived. No one knows how this young, weak baby lived, but they learned not to question it. Peter simply was meant to be here, and that's just how it is.  Uncle Ben died when Peter was 6. Peter was upset that someone had stolen his toy truck, so he ran away trying to find it. Ben followed him, but someone attacked him from behind,stole his money and then shot him. Peter didn't know what to do... so he got down on his knees and tried to stop the bleeding.. it didn't help much.. Peter sat next to Ben and started singing, trying to call himself. "Peter Pan, That's what they call me, I promise that you'll never be lonely.." People started running towards Ben, some screaming, some Crying. Ben: "With Great Power, Comes Great the police and Doctors came. No one seemed to see the kid running in the alleyway. Peter hid by a trash can. He heard these words. "Time of death, 5:30 pm, Saturday night, identity Ben Parker." Peter ran out of the alley way and back home to Aunt May. Aunt May was in her room calling the police to help find Peter, when she got a call from the hospital.
Worker: "Is this May Parker?" May: "Yes?" Worker: "I'm sorry, but Your husband, Ben Parker, passed away a few minutes ago. He was shot. We don't know what happened, or how it happened." May: "What?!" Worker: "I'm sorry ma'am." May lost connection to the call and tried to call back, but she canceled the call when she heard crying coming from Peters room. She ran in and saw Peter in his bathroom washing blood off his hands as fast as he could. May: "P.. Peter?" Peter: "May!someone... attacked.. Ben..."  May: "Oh Peter.."
Peter: "Ben... was looking for me.... And some guy... attacked him....from.. behind.. Ben.....I.. saw.... Him......die....I tried to help...I.. I couldn't.." After that Peter fell silent. May helped bathe him. The death was all over the news. But it never said anything about the little boy that was sitting there, singing. No one cared about the Broken kid.

Midnight Madness (Mute Peter Parker, Spideypool)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang