Playground Blues

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(Blood, past death, grief)
Thank you for adding my book to your reading list @Alex1a2
Sorry I haven't posted on this in forever, been so busy... busy with what? Laying around all day doing nothing... 😅

3 years after Bens death.

Aunt May took Peter to a playground near their house, hoping that Peter would go and play. Peter didn't want to be there. He wanted to go back home and lay in bed. He didn't understand how May had moved on so quickly. She already found a new boyfriend! Peter had to meet him tomorrow! It was so unfair that Peter had to be forced to move on and try to forget. How do you forget blood on your hands? How do you move on when all you see when you fall asleep is his face? The face of the person you couldn't safe? The person you let go? You can't. You simply can't. Peter sat next to Aunt May until May finally took him home. He knew May was disappointed, but she didn't say anything. Peter didn't say anything either. He simply just got in Mays car and went home. Once he got home he ran to his room and slammed the door. May followed close behind him. May: "What's wrong Peter?" Peter: "How could you! How could you find someone else! I want you to be happy.. I really do.. but it's only been 3 years!" May: "I'm.. really sorry Peter." Peter: "I.. I'm sorry for yelling Aunt May." May: "It's ok Peter. I feel like I'm moving on to fast sometimes too. But I can't just sit here doing nothing. This guy makes me happy. He's kind, he's sweet, caring and loving. He will Love you, I just know it."

Author point of view
Peter is 9 now, Mays 35, and her boyfriend is 36.
This is Tom Hollands Peter Parker, all my Spider-Man books are.
Remember, this is the past. Think of it as a backstory/Flashback.

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