Chapter 28

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Chapter 28


Aug. 1

Ash woke up from her sleep with a few kisses that she responded moaning and kissing back.

"Good morning beautiful," she heard a whisper.

She opens her eyes to see Harry looking into her eyes.

"Good morning," she smiles and stretches.

"You know, I'm going to love waking up every morning beside you," he smiles.

"Why's that?" she asked.

"Your hair. It's all over the place when you sleep."

"Oh, I forgot to put it in a hair tie."

"No, it's fine; shows the real you that I get to see and enjoy every morning that the world will never know or see."

"True," she answers. "What time is it?" she asked.

"Sadly, I have to meet up with Will to go over the plans with the lawyers tomorrow with Alex, as Edward is going to talk with his lawyers this morning. Edward said he'll be by soon to bring you over to his office to see both sets of lawyers and answer any questions that they have."

"Okay," she sighs, "I wish this really didn't happen."

"I know my love, but soon, once Alex's here tomorrow with his lawyers, they're going to be in for a surprise, and we'll get this done correctly."

She nods, "Okay."

He kisses her again, "I'll see you later." He then kisses her passionately. "Last night was amazing."

"I'm glad you liked it. I knew we both needed something to get our minds off from worrying."

He growls, "That's nothing compared on what I want to do to you."

"Can't wait." She smirks, "Staying the night again?"

"I promise; it's going to be that way." He climbs off her bed and she sees that he was already dressed.

"Oh, you're ready to go," she said surprised.

He smiled, "It's okay. It was fun watching you sleep. It was really hard not to have a row two from last night."

She smiles. "You better get going. I'd hate to distract you when I get ready."

"Can I watch?" he asked with a smirk and raised eyebrow.

"GO!" she laughed.

"Okay, but you owe me one," he winks and leaves her bedroom.


Later that morning, Ash was ready to leave. Ash, Leigh, Sean, and Michelle were at the stairs by the front doors, there was a knock, and one of the staff members opened the door.

"Mr. Conventry welcome," they heard.

Edward walks in wearing a trench coat, and carrying another coat over his arm. "Ah, good morning."

"Good morning," they smiled.

He stands there and studies Ashlyn. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," Ash said looking at her light blue dress that was past her knees.

He takes the coat and holds it up for her. "Slip this on."

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