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As Clawfang took a deep breath he said upon his lungs. "Many moons ago when Rosefall and I were just apprentices we never knew how harsh our leader was"

Sagepaw then asked "Harsh? Your leader Leafstar seems as nice as a dove"

Rosefall was watching to make sure none of her clanmates sees her and her friend talking to a Thunderclan apprentice, especially this apprentice. "If you let me tell you I would tell you why." Clawfang sighed as he was a bit arrogant but before he started Rosefall said "I'll tell him you keep watch" Clawfang raised his eye then he purred "Alright but if anyone sees this, I'm going to regret having Sagepaw as a friend"

Rosefall rubbed Clawfang before he set out to keep watch as she laid down as she looked into Sagepaw's green sap eyes. "As Clawfang said it was many moons, our leader Leafstar just got nine lives, so she was ambitious then. A few weeks later Leafstar told one of our warriors that her deputy was in charge for now. Clawpaw was always getting himself into trouble and I had to help him get out of it so it was just about sun-high when the 'incident' happened. Clawpaw saw our leader leave the camp one day. He'd then said to me "Hey Rosepaw?" I was very young then so I knew nothing but to honor the code to be a warrior. "Hm?Yes Clawpaw?" I said still laying in my nest which is like your nest in your clan. "Want to find out what Leafstar's doing ? I bet we can learn from her?" I gave out a shrug then said "Why not?" It turned out we followed our leader to a new territory, Clawpaw and I just learned about the territory and our boundaries between each clan. "Clawpaw this seems wrong" I said worried, still following behind Clawpaw. Clawpaw however didn't care; he just wanted to be a great warrior. We were close to Carrion place, which was within Shadowclan's territory. As we noticed our leader stopping in front of Carrion place. "Leafstar! How dare you return!"Leafstar just sat down tail flicking as she was planning something. "You know I had loved you but now you attacked my kits?" To my astonishment I never knew Leafstar had kits with a Shadowclan warrior.

The tom had a brown pelt with a light brown swirl on his pelt. He'd then growl slowly "I know that but what choice did I have?!" Leafstar then cried a bit, tears falling but then she hissed "Why couldn't you just live with me and leave your clan!" The brown tom's yellow eyes dimmed from sadness "Look Leafstar I did love you but when you changed it seemed like the one I love disappeared" He'd then sighed. "Viperblood, I wished you didn't care so much" Leafstar then unsheathed her claws lowing her body into a fighting position. Viperblood did the same then Leafstar leapt pinning Viperblood down "Kill me if you must but that won't save your kits" Then Leafstar hesitated then she bit his neck so deep that Viperblood's blood harshly bubbled out. Clawpaw then lowered his ears growling in pain."

Rosefall then took a few breaths "Now you know about Windclan's secret"

Clawfang said as he trotted back in "But you know you mustn't tell anycat not even your closest friends this is way too much for anycat to handle" Sagepaw could see Leafstar killing her own spouse for her revenge for her kits. As Sagepaw trotted he saw the fourtrees he saw how bare the trees were. "Maybe Duskpaw or Silverpaw have talked it out with their clan?"

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