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Man, I was even going to post these lmfao💀😭 thanks to my besties they convinced me to do it and as I said before in my first book that I'm not an English as a first language speaker but I tried to make these as perfect as possible, so don't be harsh yeah I genuinely try my best.

Also, these are all my poems. Copying them by any means would not be tolerated people I work hard to come up with this fr. I don't mind if you get inspired tho.

These are all about how I feel at certain times and sometimes towards certain people, so that's why this is personal and I'm not taking it as a serious thing you know. More like a requiem for my own soul.

So that being said it means I won't be updating a lot in this book I would be mostly focusing on my other book now that exams are coming to an end, and occasionally updating here if I ever come up with something new! Just so I won't forget too I don't really have titles for these😭😭 man I struggle with titles so much just bare with me💀💀 also they would all mostly be short chapters, cause I really don't write long poems....and that's all people hope you enjoy my poems and don't forget to vote!!💕💕✨

Requiem For a Broken Soul: A collection of Poems.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora