Early morning Comfort <3

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I'm not going to be including the inside of the nightmare since I have a plan for that in the future. This was requested by FocalStorm . Hope you all enjoy!
Atlas POV

I woke up in terror as I heard a large bang from outside. I looked out the window to see that it's storming hard. I hate to admit it but thunder scared me a bit......I mean a lot. I hated when it stormed although there was a weird feeling I got during storms.... Never mind that for now I'll ask Brydad about that later

I realized My heart was racing then I remembered what had scared me so much when I was asleep, I had a nightmare. The different scenes flashing through my minds blood clouding my vision. I felt wet tears fall down my face as a cried. I walked over and opened my walk-in closet. Recently Brydad had added three rooms to his mansion a room each for Femi, Lotus, and I. Mine happened to be the biggest since lotus and femi wanted the smaller rooms. Mine had a medium sized walk-in closet which I sat in when I was scared or nervous. I moved over a roll of fabric that fell when I opened the door and walked over to the back.

    I sat down and curled up comfortably in the corner, while trying to fall back into what is the warm void of sleep.

Bryan POV
I've always switched between being a light and heavy sleeper. Sadly the one night it storms I'm waking up at every small noise. I wholeheartedly thought that I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight so I decided to go out to the kitchen and grab a snack instead. Although as I go to leave the kitchen I hear a door open and something small fall over. I walk over to where the noise came from only to be met by atlas's door. I open the door a small bit and don't see atlas in the room. I worried slightly at not seeing the winged teenager in his room this late at night. I opened the door completely and walked into the barely lite room. And heard light snoring coming from the closet. I walk over and open the door and see atlas in the corner peacefully asleep. I walk over and gently pick him in my arms. I walk over to his bed and gently lay him down. Then a loud sound of thunder could be heard outside. Atlas jumped up and started panicking. I walked over to him and gently wrapped my wings around him to try and calm him down. He grips onto my night shirt and cuddles up to me. I hug him back and place gentle kisses to the top of his head while ruffling his hair lightly. He asked me if he could sleep in Inpu's and and I's bed. I said okay and picked him up and carried him to my room. I sat atlas on my side of the bed and shook Inpu awake and explained what had happened he nodded and rolled over to face me and atlas. I lay atlas down between me and inpu then I lay down behind him. Atlas hugged Inpu's tail like a stuffed toy which we both found absolutely adorable! I wrapped one of my wings over atlas and Inpu to block any light that could wake either of them up. First atlas fell asleep, then Inpu, then finally I fell asleep.
This is just part one the next part will have the hardcore angst 💔
Words: 606

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