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"You never told me we had to sit next to each other for the whole filming time!" Hayami nearly yelped at Insu.

"But you were fine when we filmed the first time..."

"That's completely different! I'd like to see the contract immediately!" Hayami stressed.

While Hayami was making a huge fuss about the rules, San quietly sat in his chair, taking out his notebook and doodling as usual. A pain sensation struck his elbow when he looked up to see the cause—Hayami. She used moving her desk away from his and her long nail accidentally clawed into his elbow.

"Hey!" San whined, soothing his hurt elbow.

Hayami death glared at him, her eyes looked like black daggers going into his, "What?". 

San quickly looked away and pretended he didn't say anything, "Nothing..."


"She's so terrifying! It's like she wanted to kill me—like her eyes were screaming 'Don't talk to me or I'll kill you, I could feel it!" San complained to his best friend Yeosang.

He quietly sipped on a can of soda from the vending machine he went to earlier. Though he kept an uninterested look on his face, he cared about everything San said since he's the only friend he's ever had.

"She doesn't look very violent though..." Yeosang shrugged off. 

"Ugh...How am I going to survive a whole month with her? I shouldn't have said yes to this..." San expressed, that he pulled his hair back out of stress.

"Just try to get along with her. You two probably started on the wrong foot..."

"I tried to Yeo...She's not interested..." San's eyes bored into space, he then suddenly yelped, "Oh god! What if they make me eat lunch with her?"

"Why would they want something like that to happen?"

"I don't know because they're pure evil!" San whined once again.

"You whine and complain more than you sleep..." Yeosang commented.

San frowned at his best friend, he then linked his arms with Yeosang, "Won't you just take me out of there Yeo?"

Yeosang funnily looked at him, "No way I'm getting involved with this, It'll be okay. I'm pretty sure they won't..."

"Maybe you're right..."


Both of them spoke too soon, It's obvious if they'd want a lot of footage. They'd sit both of them, which is exactly what happened. Silence spoke more than actual words.

Hayami quietly ate her food while San hasn't even touched his food yet, it feels too awkward to do so yet. "Aren't you gonna eat?" Hayami spoke up, making San flinch.

"H-Huh? Oh...Yeah..." San stammered, he picked up his utensils and started to pick at his food.

While San was avoiding eye contact with Hayami and contemplating if he should talk to her or not, Hayami plugged in her phone with earphones and started listening to music while eating. 

San finally took the risk and started to talk to Hayami, "Uhm...Hey. I know we started off the wrong foot but may—"

San soon realized, she couldn't even hear him. She was munching away with earphones in her ears—music was most likely booming in her ears while San was sweating over trying to talk to her. His impatience had gone overboard, He banged his hands on the table by getting up.

"I'm gonna head out Insu" He took his plate off the table a little too harsh since the cup of water spilled on Hayami's skirt.

The two of them freeze, Hayami death glared at San. San gives an apologetic expression on his face. It was really an accident.

"Oh! I'm so sorry—" A splat of ketchup from the ketchup packet colors a spot of San's previously white shirt. San looks at the ketchup in disgust, he then looks back at Hayami. Her expression never changed.

"I said I was sorry..." San argued.

"Well I'm not"

San blinks a few times before realizing she just did that to spite him out of revenge. He sets the food he was going to carry with him and walks away. Hayami acted likes she didn't care, but in reality—She didn't expect herself to get that annoyed with him to the point of doing that. Though she feels apologetic, her pride comes first.


Yeosang headed down the stairs, he spotted San laying down like a homeless person who's lost. A thick paster of ketchup was splattered on his shirt. It was usual for San to do random things like this—but today made him seem as if he was insane.

"If I'm found dead, the culprit is that stupid Mikan" San spat.

"Get up and wipe that ketchup stain off your shirt—it's disgusting to look at..." Yeosang said, observing his over-dramatic friend on the floor—acting as if he had died.

San got up as soon as he saw snacks in Yeosang's arms, He snatched one before Yeosang could even react, "You think she has some sort of issue socializing with others?" San thought out loud while munching on spicy chips.

Yeosang slapped a thick box of tissues at San's cheek, "Ow! That hurt asshole!" San whined while caressing his hurt cheek.

"Relax—I didn't even hit you that hard plus, it's what you deserve after stealing my chips.." Yeosang sticks his tongue out.

San takes a tissue and begins to rub his collar uniform shirt while talking. "True but still—Don't you think it's a little weird that she got all pissy pants over an accident? If someone who made a mistake towards you apologizes, shouldn't you just take it and move on? She didn't have to ruin my—What the hell?!" The next moment San glanced at his shirt, it was faint burgundy everywhere.

"You're supposed to dab not rub you idiot!" Yeosang looked at his best friend in disappointment, "You're so screwed..."

San looked at his friend with pleading eyes, "What do I do Yeo?..."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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