The Beach

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Waves gently caressing the sand,

Borrowing some fine grains away

To be returned years or decades later.

The constant glare of the blazing sun,

The heaviness of the sweltering heat,

Making her wavy dark hair

More unruly than ever.

I want to breathe in the salt air.

So I could savor the same air

That she was in.

I want to soak myself in the sea

From my head to my sandy toes

So the chill would wake me up

From this too-good daydream.

I can hear the seagulls mocking me,

The children laughing at my fantasies,

Beach towels laid out for nobody,

Flip flops abandoned in the shade.

Burnt backs faced towards me,

Chapped lips just out of reach,

Her shirt nowhere to be found,

A shawl wrapped around her hips.

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