Friendly Friend

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"Say hi"
She mouthed these words to him.
I saw it from my peripheral vision.

A few seconds passed.
"Hi (my name)"

I slowly turned.
And there he was.
With a new haircut,
Yellow shirt,
And white pants.
Golden retriever boy.
Self-proclaimed 'good boy'.

I waved,
Words left me.

I would've stared for much longer
If it weren't for her waving to me
As I waved enthusiastically back.
And I waved to the girls behind me
For good measure.

Two lines,
Facing each other.
Glancing around,
My eyes caught on his.
He quickly looked away.
I didn't notice
That he was staring.
My eyes widened in surprise.
After a few seconds,
His eyes were back on mine.
Now his eyes widened.
We blinked. And blinked.
And blinked.
He was fighting a smile.
And that made me smile.
I looked away first.
The grass seemed so interesting
That day.

Packing things up,
Heavy bags on shoulders.

"Bye" he said.
I turned around.
Did he say that to me?
He waved.
Was he waving at me?
I waved at him.
Just in case.

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