Part 11

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Jeremy's POV----------------------

He opened his eyes and this time, he could see. He was in a small, dark, humid room. He could hear someone shuffling in the corner, a loud clanking coming from the same area. 

"Hello?" Jeremy managed to croak out. His throat was dry, and his voice was hoarse. How long had he been here? 

The clanking and shuffling stopped. Whatever was in the corner had paused it's noise-making, and was now either standing still, or moving very quietly. Jeremy could feel eyes peering at him from within the darkness. 

He realised he was in a chair. He tried to stand up, but he felt ropes constraining around him, getting tighter as he struggled. 

"It's no use." A gravelly voice echoed from within the shadows. "The chair is bolted to the floor, and you're tied to the chair." 

Jeremy squinted, trying to make out a figure in the dark. "Yeah, I figured."

He slumped down into the metal chair, feeling the cold steel sting his skin. 

"Hey, how is it that this room is unreasonably warm, but this chair is unreasonably cold?" Jeremy said, giving up on trying to make out the person holding him captive. 

Suddenly, someone stepped out of the darkness, long shadows slightly obscuring the man's face, but it was still recognisable. Jeremy's eyes went wide as a malicious grin spread across the man's face.

"Micheal's dad???" He asked, incredulous. "Why would you kidnap me??" 

William laughed hysterically, the shadows contorting on his face.

"You don't know? Ever since he was a child, Micheal has found ways to SCREW ME over!! So I've decided to get him back!" William rambled. "This will be my revenge, my redemption for the YEARS of humiliation he has put me through!! He-"

"Can you just get to the point?" Jeremy said, trying to hide his fear. 

William smirked, a chuckle forming in his throat.

"You'll get to experience a point, that's for sure." William snickered.

Jeremy felt a shiver run down his spine as he saw the glint of metal in William's hand.


hey guys im baaaaack

just like william

i always come back

ur mom

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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