Why Chase Me

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It was a nice sunny day in Ikebukuro, and Izaya Orihara was walking to Russian Sushi for some fatty tuna since it was discount day. He was almost there when a trash can came flying past him. He sighed knowing exactly who threw it. He turned around seeing Shizuo Heiwajima. The man who seemed to hate his guts.

"IZAYAAAA!! I TOLD YOU TO STAY OUT OF IKEBUKURO!!!" Shizuo shouted as he walked up to the smaller male.

Izaya took out a knife and smirked. "Oh come on Shizu-chan. I'm only here to get some fatty tuna." He explained, backing up a bit. "Can't I just get some?" He took off running.

Shizuo grabbed a street sign and ran after him. "GET BACK HERE!!!" He eventually chased him into an alley way. "You got no where else to run Izaya! Now it's time I give you what you deserve!"

"A kiss?"

"W-What!?" The taller male stuttered as he was a bit shocked.

"Please Shizu-chan, we both know you're in love with me."

Shizuo growled getting pissed off more and more. "You really are stupid Izaya!" He was about to hit the other male when he kissed him. His eyes widened in shock and he pulled away backing up quickly. "W-What the hell are you doing you damn flea!?!"

Izaya smirked. "I stopped you from hitting me. I know you love me."

"I hate your guts!!" He explained blushing like crazy.

"Then why chase me if you hate me so much?" Izaya asked. "Also you're blushing."

"I-I...." Shizuo had no words to say about it. He looks down which gave Izaya the opportunity to slip away.

"Damn that was close..." Izaya touched his lips and blushed. "Maybe I shouldn't have kissed him. Still..." He smirks. "He keeps me addicted to him.~"


((I know this was short but there will probably be more to it. Hopefully.))

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