They were setting up the house for thanksgiving all her friends and family were coming over so they could celebrate together. They were in the dining room Elena had wanted to make sure that she had everything together and ready. "Ok Sam almost has everything done we have our outfits what am i forgetting."

"That you need a shower?" Abby suggested she knew Elena had a million things running through her head right now but they needed to make sure she took a shower. 

Elena shook her head she wanted to make sure everything was done first before she went and took a shower and got dressed. "I am going to shower jesus no it was something else." 

"That Isabella is in trouble for hitting someone at school." Jordan guessed she wasn't sure what she forgot so throwing things out was sure to help

Elena looked over to her no one had told her about that. So she figured it was something else. "She what?"

Jordan shook her head knowing that if Elena didn't know about it then Kol hadn't told her for a reason. "Nevermind that wasn't it either."

"She hit someone why didn't they tell me?" She did hat4e when she was the last to find out things. Especially when it concerned the child she had given birth to.

Jordan shrugged she did not want to be on the wrong side of this. It was not her fault she didn't know she was sure Kol would have told her. "You were in a meeting Kol went to get her i thought he told you."

"He didn't." And now she was pissed she hated that he had kept this from her.

"Maybe he was going to tell you but he knew you were so busy with everything else so he dealt with her and he's leaving this to you." Or at least that was what Jordan hoped he was doing and that he had a good excuse to give her when she asked later.

"Whatever" She would deal with that at a later date right now she was forgetting something important. " I didn't know so I'm not forgetting that."

Abby shrugged she wasn't sure what Elena could be forgetting. She thought on it for a minute remembering that all her friends didn't get along. "Did you put the place setters down so you don't put your friends who don't get along with each other?"

"Yeah, i did that." She had made sure to do that because she did not want any drama tonight.

"I don't know what it could be I've named everything." Abby named everything she could think of so she wasn't sure.

Lily walked down with her phone she wasn't sure what they were doing. Elena had things she had to take care of as owner of the town. "You have to be at the thanksgiving parade in two hours."

"Thats what i forgot. Everything else is done shower change and I'm meeting them at the parade." Elena ran past them heading upstairs now that she knew was forgetting she needed to make sure that she was ready in time for it.

"I forgot about the parade."

"I can see that." Lily turned heading back upstairs to her office she wanted to finish everything before the dinner. 


Elena had changed and just arrived for the parade seeing Isabella and Kol standing with the rest of the Mikaelson family.  She had almost forgotten so she was happy she had made it in time. "I forgot."

Kol looked over at her with a smirk she was always busy which is why he had made sure Lily knew to remind her of it. "I bet you did."

"Why do i have to be?" Isabella hadn't wanted to come she had wanted to help Sam cook.

Elena shook her daughter a glare before looking back up at Kol she was mad she hadn't known about the altercation at her school. "Better question why isn't she grounded."

Rebekah looked at her confused she didn't get why Isabella would be grounded. Figuring there was something Elena had just learned that others didn't know. "What would she be grounded for?"

Elena looked to her daughter crossing her arms over her chest she knew she had raised her better than that. "Hitting someone at school."

Isabella looked away from her mom her eyes wide looking up at her dad. She had known they wouldn't be able to keep it from her. "I told you she would find out."

Kol picked her up he had taken care of it knowing that Elena was busy. And he made sure his daughter knew only to do it when she was defending herself.  "She won't do it again unless-"

Isabella cut off her dad finishing his sentence she wasn't allowed to start fights but she could finish them. "They hit me first."

"Don't teach her that." Elena did not want her hitting people she knew how that would look and they didn't want that bad press.

"They deserved it Mom." Of course she knew she shouldn't have done it but they had been messing with her.

"I don't care we don't hit people you hear me." Elena didn't want her daughter to be that kid she could go to an adult and if they didn't listen she could tell her and she would take care of it. She scared everyone for a reason.

"Yes Mom." Isabella knew her mom was right she couldn't go around hitting people even if they got on her nerves.

"And Jordan told me because she thought I had already known." And she should have known she should have not have found out from the nanny she employed she didn't like that.

"I sorry Mom."

"It's ok just don't do it again and if you do tell me." She didn't want to be kept out of the loop this was her baby girl and they had gone through a lot the past few years.

"I will." Isabella promised she would tell her mom if anything else happened instead of hiding it from her.

Elena saw the floats starting to come down the street the big turkey one first she pointed to it to show Bella. "Ooh look." 

Isabella turned to face it smiling."Cool."


A/N There are four chapters of this story left after this Jeremy coming back 

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