Little Magic lesson with Amity and Quinn

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I remember a time where I was hanging around with Amity, she was trying to watch The Owl House to regain memories and relearn spells when we heard what sounded like an earthquake, we saw a bunch of the Healers and Soothers rush to the fronting room. We just looked at each other and said one thing," Meltdown."
Inner Earthquake - What we like to call it when the current fronter is either having an attack or meltdown
Amity's POV
Meltdowns or Attacks aren't common for us, but right now? Seriously? I put away my stuff and walked outside of our lab to find our "Street" a total reck. How the inner world works is simple; each block of quote on quote street is organized by your main role. Littles are all on street filled with houses and fun buildings, if a little splits making more alters/siblings then they live in an apartment styled house. The caregivers live right next to them and so on with other roles. If a street looks like a reck when you feel an "earthquake" then you know someone with the same role as you was fronting. Make sense? Cool, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

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