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Innerworld - A place alters hang out when they aren't fronting
Fronter - The alter in control of the body in the given moment; also called Fronting
Co-Fronter - Just like a Fronter but not able to fully control the body, mostly just controlling an arm or limb
Role - The main job of an alter, it varies through systems but for us if an alter doesn't have a clear role they are labeled as a "Member"
Street - The way "houses" are organized in our inner world by roles
Earthquake - The feeling alters get in the inner world when someone is having a meltdown or attack
Little - "Inner children" or age regressors in our system
Host - This can either mean we're referring to Gray or referring to the alter that has been fronting a lot lately
Any other questions?
Comment and we'll try to answer any questions on systems
^ These terms can vary between systems, these are either just for our system or the basic explanation ^

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