The Tale of the Old Man and the Seven....(part 2)

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Hello my dear readers today I went to the store and got my self some cookies want some *offers cookies to you* ( chocolate chip!)? Okay anyway the story :
Piper's POV
So here list of the eight people that got chosen :

1. Piper Evens ( and dear reader yes that is me )
2. Luis Lopez
3. Anna Waters
4. Tris Valdez
5. Cristal Weasley
6. Peter Van Houten
7. Thalia Di Angelo
8. Augustus Waters (no he is not Anna's brother!)

So yeah well I thought we all went to see the old man under the tree but when I got there I counted and not counting the old man and me there was  six  witch meant that someone hadn't showed up. The old man seem to see this too so he raised a hand and in a deep voice said

“ He will not come." And then he said “ He will die in the morning and he will regret it once he's dead." Which pretty much scared the crap out of me. Which is what lead to me picking the wish that I did. “ You each get a wish." emember he said (I remember u said sometimes it last in love and sometimes it hurts instead" that was from someone like u if u don't know that song search it up on YouTube)

So he went asking us what was our wish. I wished for immorality. Luis  apparently thought it was a good idea and wished for immortality too. Anna wished a neckles with a poisen red Ruby. Tris wished whoose wife had died wish to to have her back. Cristal wished to never fear anything ever again. Peter was the one who didn't go. Thalia's mother was really sick and she was better. Augustus Waters wished for Hazel Grace back which was his girlfriend.
Wanna know what happens to them find out in the last part of the tale of the old man and the seven part 3 but don't worry there will be more stories! Anyways bye my story lovers!


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