Is it love?

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Tuesday 7:00 AM
I had just woken up, it was the second day of school, I still am thinking this will be the worst day of my life, I lazily got up yawning, I walked slowly to my closet grabbing my uniform again, I put on my uniform like I do everyday and my shoes, after I had finished my teeth, hair and my skin care, I ate my breakfast and went onto the bus.

Tuesday 8:00 AM
it was time for first period, math. I unlocked my locker grabbing my computer, notebook, pencil and my binder. I walked to class still upset knowing I have to be next to one of my worsts bullies ever, I sat down looking the other way so we couldn't make eye contact as she talked to her friends at the table next to ours about boys and social media like she did yesterday. I had remembered that strange feeling of yesterday when I felt like I was being stared at, I was feeling it again. I looked behind me seeing a tall guy in a table behind me looking at me, he had curly brown, short and fluffy hair, his eyes were a dark red that I've never seen as an eye color. He has a black coat with a pattern, with a white shirt, black pants and black shoes. I had just realized, he's not wearing the usual uniform? I didn't bother to say anything since he seemed intimidating and mean. "Liu, why aren't you wearing your uniform again today, you have to wear it." My math teacher had said to "Liu"
"Oh, I hate that thing, it's ugly as hell." He said as I saw the math teacher get a little pissed off.. He pointed at the door "go to the office" Liu had left.
Tuesday 8:30 AM
Liu had came back to the classroom with the males uniform looking angry, then he angrily walked to his chair and he sat in it. I turned my head knowing he was still looking at me, he's probably planning on doing something or he's just some weird creep.
Tuesday 8:50 AM
Math class had just ended, I grabbed all of my things walking to the door until someone grabbed my arm, it was Liu? "Hey, I just wanted to tell you that you are really pretty, who are you?" He was probably lying to me, nobody ever tells me that, only my mom does. "Amaya. Now explain why you kept staring at me like a creep?" "Oh. Was just admiring your beauty, I'm Liu, want to be my friend?" Knowing that I never get a friend I still accepted it because he seemed genuine. "Oh. Sure, we can be friends." I replied back, he walked me to my locker and we walked to our new class we had together.
Tuesday 4:00 PM
I had finally gotten back home from walking, I was still thinking of Liu, if I should trust him or not. I put on my pajama's and I lay on my bed, still thinking of him .



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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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