Some lore for ya'll on a random few of my characters

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- His wounds near his abdomen was caused by a accidentally not seeing a trip mine.
- Envy has a little smoking problem (totally not encouraged by deimos sometimes)
- He's kinda like a chimera
- Envy has a pet calico cat named smokky
- Envy has decent medical knowledge to where he can do surgery on somebody, but has difficulties if he's patching himself up.
- He can go at least 2-3 hours without smoking
- Envy was exiled from his old group, before the dissenters found him.

Smokky (En's cat)
- Smokky is very friendly and isn't a ass
- She lives in envy's satchel bag rent free and sometimes gets into the tuna cans in His bag
- There was a time where Envy chased Hank down cause He didn't want to give Envy his cat back (At least 8 laps around a building)
- Very cuddly

Riverside + Stalker & Chaser (Warlock & Ahamkara pup)
- Riverside is a warlock who has terrible fashion sense.
- Chaser is half blind.
- Riverside likes taking the S&C on walks or out on the field with him.
- Stalker is the brains while Chaser is brawns.
- Stalker & Chaser only attack in self-defense or if commanded to by Riverside.
- Riverside is a human.
- Stalker Can read and somewhat write. (still learning)
- Riverside's ghost does not agree with him having a ahamkara as a pet. (Even though they behave sometimes)

(This is what i can currently think of for lore/headcanons, have a wonderful day/night folks!^^)

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