Dylan all the way

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Moving to Colombo meant school #4 I'm on my way! Yay!! Not.

I always had had the option of staying at the school hostel; but I could never have the heart to leave my dad to live on his own.

Dylan's intimate moment with me and Jimmy in that alcove consisted of talking about missing my friends and school, how it sucked to have to constantly move like this, how I'd miss everyone at college and also a small mention of missing our guitar classes. He told me I should definitely continue playing and asked me about my best friend in school. I told him about Jamie for the first time. I couldn't help myself from telling him that Jamie already knew about him... because he taught me the guitar, of course. I did however, manage to not let slip the story of "Mr Cute-Snob who became Mr. Cute-guitar-guy".

He suggested that I should write letters to her... like actual Jane-Austen-Era hand written letters. I replied saying there's always email and phone messages... WhatsApp was also becoming popular these days. But then he said that there was nothing like a hand-written letter which actually made me think about it. He was right. There was something very sentimental about it.

I mentally decided to write him a letter once I got to Colombo.

I also found out that Dylan's actual hometown was near to where we were moving in Colombo. He had gotten to know about dad's transfer from his uncle (the dean, remember?). I admitted to him that I hadn't really talked about the whole thing with my dad on the account that I stomped out on him.

"I'm guessing your soaking top has something to do with that?" he said, smiling slyly and squinting his impish eyes, throwing a glance at my upper body. Dylan was the master of making me blush by now. This was nothing new. I involuntarily crossed my hands over my chest... it was getting a bit cold. Especially with a wet top on.

"I should be going home now... it's getting dark"

"Nice try, changing the subject... Too bad, it's not working. I'm pretty sure there was some sort of tantrum" he said, chuckling to himself. "Come on, I'm coming with you..." And with that, he actually put his soft, strong, guitar-chord-changing arm over my shoulders (activating the butterflies again) and walked with me as we strode back home.

"My uncle is really bummed to see your dad leave, Evanna. He's a great lecturer and even cooler chaplain. Thought you'd like to know that. Apparently, he has to move to Colombo because they urgently need a new parish vicar there... the current one is fatally ill, poor, old guy"

"A parish vicar?! My dad? But he's never been a vicar since after I was born. He said it was far too much work. And he prefers to be a lecturer, even though it meant having to move! Doesn't he have a choice in this?"

"I'm not sure about that, Evanna... but sometimes, some things in life... we just have to accept even if we have the choice to not accept it. You'll learn that as you grow." He smiled at me and squeezed my left shoulder cap as we reached the top of the stairs that led to my soon-to-not-be-mine home.

Dad was seated in the living room when we reached the threshold. "One daughter delivered to your doorstep safe and sound, Father J." announced Dylan pushing me forward with both hands on each of my shoulders. I smiled a tight smile as I looked at dad. He looked really tired. I felt bad for yelling at him. "Evy, I've kept the eggs and vegetables out... could you get lunch ready?"

He was used to my tantrums. It was normal of him to act like they never happened. Sometimes I remember how ungrateful I am to have an understanding, cool dad. This was one of those times.


I proceeded to go to the kitchen noticing Dylan sitting down with my dad in the living room. I figured they needed some privacy and decided not to eavesdrop. I made some ginger tea for the two of them as I got lunch ready and then convinced Dylan to stay for lunch. Dad had finished doing the dishes.

We talked about my new school in Colombo over lunch...

"Where will she be schooling next, Father John?"

"I was thinking Lawrence College since it is affiliated with the church. That would be my first choice"

"Oh! that's a great choice!" Replied Dylan.

Apparently, Dylan's two cousins went there and he would be glad to introduce them to me. According to him, Yasmina and Manthri would make great friends.

What if moving to Colombo wasn't really a bad thing?

Maybe I wouldn't losecontact with him after all? 

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