Uncle Asriel and The Poisoned Drink

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(Asriels POV)

"Are you ready Asriel?" 

Stelmaria looks up at me with her matching glare.

"Of Course I am." 

I glared back at my dæmon as she swiftly clenched her paws into the carpet as we headed into the Retiring Room.

"What about the girls?" 

Stelmaria Asked

"The Twins?" 


The Twins, Asrya and Lyra have always been apart of my heart and of course I care for their safety and I know Stelmaria doesn't like them being here, she wishes life was different when they were born but work is important to us right now and we can't have ruthless twelve year old girls running around my lab..but I sometimes wish if life was different If I never left them in the educational pit..

I sat down In a chair and began to get out all my equipment.

"Would you like anything Lord Asriel?" 

a young boy asked me, who could be the porters assistant

"Yes, I'll have your best carafe of 1898."

"Of Course My Lord"

 The Boy Answered as he bowed and walked out .

(Asrya POV)

I dragged Lyra across the roof and pushed her down so we could peak through an open window into the retiring room, There he was Our Uncle Asriel..Uncle Asriel is a tall man with powerful shoulders, a fierce dark face, and eyes that seem to flash and glitter with savage laughter. It is a face to be dominated by, or to fight: never a face to patronize or pity. All his movements are large and perfectly balanced, like those of a wild animal, and when he appears in like this, he seems a wild animal held in a cage too small for it.

"Hey Rya, what is Uncle Asriel doing?" 

Lyra whispers over to me

"I Don't know Lyra but he's taking those things out of that bag" 

I whispered back as Bill walked into the retiring room with a tray of drinks

"Here You Go My Lord" 

Bill smiled and placed the tray on the table before walking out.

"Uncle Asriel better not drink that"

I mumbled over to Lyra

"I swear the Master put some kind of powder into it when he was in the kitchen" 

Lyra mumbled back

"He put poison into the Tokay drink, He is trying to kill Lord Asriel" 

I whispered

"But why would Master do that..?" 

Lyra whispered back

I was about to answer before Uncle Asriel went to reach over to sip his drink.


 Lyra shouted before dragging me inside the window as she held Uncle Asriel back while I slapped the poisoned drink out of his hand

Lord Asriel wrapped his hand around my wrist before twisting it back and slamming my head against the table to hold me into a wrist-head lock.


 Lord Asriel screamed before aggressively twisting my wrist back further.


I Screamed Back.

Lyra stood back to give Uncle Asriel enough space to let me go.Uncle Asriel loosened his grip and let go of my wrist, Pan ran over to Lucifer and wrapped his tail around him in protection of safety as Lyra ran over to me to hug me.


I stroked my hand up and down my painfully aching arm.

"Uncle Asriel you just hurt Rya why did you do that!?" 

Lyra Asked while glaring at our angry Uncle.

"are you going to tell me why you knocked it out my hand?" 

Lord Asriel said harshly

"It's Poisoned..Master Poisoned it.." 

I answered as I clinged onto Lyra 


Lord Asriel stared at us


Lyra stared back at the harsh Man

"We have waited over two years to see you and this is how you treat us, Do You Know why the Master would try to kill you!?" 

Lyra argued at Lord Asriel

"I don't know girls."

 Uncle Asriel began to go through the cabinets,looking for something

Stelmaria walked over to Lucifer and Pan before wrapping her paws around them and began to pull them into a comforting hug.It felt weird..Stelmaria..Our Uncles dæmon is trying to comfort us.Uncle Asriels face slowly melted into comfort and guiltiness as he walked over to me and Lyra before kneeling down and pulling us into a meaningful Hug.Lyra began crying as she smiled and hugged back Uncle Asriel, I couldn't help but accept the embrace but just be shocked as tears began to run down my eyes.

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