Part 6

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Author's Pov

Jungkook woke up because of the continuous ringing of his phone. He rubbed his eyes to stable his vision, and roamed his hand on the bedside table, grasping for the glasses. He wore them, checked the time, and went to the bathroom so that he could start his morning routine.

Today is five days holiday so obviously Jimin won't come to pick him up as he has gone with his bellowed crush, but someone who kissed him on the cheek yesterday, that's right, Taehyung.

Jungkook came out, dressed up and went downstairs. He saw his mother in the kitchen making breakfast and no sign of his dad which made clear to him that he was still sleeping as it is only 7 in the morning.

"Good morning," he wished his mother who looked back.

"Good morning baby. Go, sit there I've prepared your breakfast," she said while smiling. Jungkook sat at the dining table and waited for his mother to give him food.

"When is that boy coming by the way?" Asked his mother.

"He'll come after half an hour," replied Jungkook.

"Has he planned where to go?"


"You have his number? I also want his number so that I can contact him. You know, for safety."

"Mom, how can you call us when we are in a forest?"

"But give me, na."

"I don't have his number."

"You don't have his number but still you were able to give him our house's address?"

"Jimin gave him. No more questions now," Jungkook said sternly before his mother gave him the food and the bell rang indicating that someone had come to the doorway. Jungkook opened it revealing a sweaty Taehyung.

"Why are you sweating?" Asked Jungkook worriedly.

"T-the d-dogs," breathed Taehyung heavily. He looked back before Kook looked there too. Two black hounds were still barking while showing their strong teeth.

"Come inside," said Jungkook and Taehyung pursued him inside. Jungkook was smiling while walking in front, trying to control his laughter.

"Why didn't you bring your car inside?"
He asked after letting Taehyung sit on the sofa in the living room.

"It wasn't coming inside, so I had to walk in and that filthy little creature came barking at me all the way! I was running away from them!" Said Taehyung like a child complaining about something. Jungkook again controlled himself from letting out a chuckle.

"You wait here. I'll call Mom."

"Kook-" But before Taehyung could say more Jungkook had disappeared to call his mom. "Is he still mad at me? Huh, why he be? Your mother *** Kim Taehyung! Who told you to kiss him!" A fight was going on inside Taehyung's sanity with himself only when he heard someone coughing to get his awareness. It was Jungkook's father, Mr Jeon.

"Who are you, young man? What are you doing in my house?" Asked Mr Jeon when he finally got the attention he wanted.

"Hello, Mr Jeon. My name is Kim Taehyung, your son's friend," said Taehyung while bending 90°.

"Ohh so you are that Kim. Kook told me about you but he didn't say you would look this much handsome," chuckled Mr Jeon and he gestured for Taehyung to sit on the sofa beside him. He then started talking and Taehyung was looking at him. He noticed that Jungkook's hair, jaw, and nose were the same as his.

"Hello, Taehyung," said a woman's voice and Taehyung knew it was Mrs Jeon.

"Hello Mrs Jeon," bowed Taehyung again.

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