Part 18

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Author's pov

Jungkook kept his eyes closed and his body rested on the soft matter. He had decided, he is going to escape from here and get to Taehyung but he had no plan. And he is sure his mother won't let him go out this late. He had not even told this to Jimin, he will tell him later because if someone inside the house saw a car standing outside, anyone would get curious and start panicking.

After a long twenty minutes of mixing sweet, bitter, spicy and sour tastes in his plan, Jungkook stood up and went to select his clothes. Another ten minutes passed in his dressing before he came in front of his mirror and checked himself.

Damn sure he could make someone faint but, honestly, he didn't know how to dress when people are on a date

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Damn sure he could make someone faint but, honestly, he didn't know how to dress when people are on a date... he now regretted why he never watched K-Dramas with his mom.

Lastly checking and smiling at himself, Jungkook fixed his jacket and started closing every window except the one from where he could directly see the door entrance. He checked his watch and it was already 45 minutes past 8. This means only 15 minutes left till Jimin came; to be honest, he was not expecting Jimin to be on time either.

Jungkook went up to the opened window, removed the curtains a bit and craned his neck to the opposite side of the curtain so that even if someone familiar was seeing him, will not be able to recognize him.

8:52... 7 minutes past.... no sign of the latter yet...

Jungkook lost his patience per minute as now only three minutes were left but Jimin still hadn't come. He shut the curtains angrily and slumped on his bed again, as he took out his phone.

Jungkook: Where are you?!!!

He posted and waited for Jimin to come online but he didn't.... what is up with him?

On the other side

Jimin was getting ready; he had worn his father's best oversized black travelling coat which hid his short body and he also wore a black mask. He was sure someone could notice him and by luck, may even recognize him and he couldn't risk the date Taehyung was arranging.

Just as he did some last touch-ups, his phone dinged as a message popped... he took it and checked,

Taehyung: Are you out already?
Jimin: Just going. Why?
Taehyung: Oh Jimin, the arrangements aren't done yet.
Jimin: What! But you said it will get over by 9 then why is it still pending?
Taehyung: Nah.. actually I asked my sister to bring a *** but she hasn't come till now and I am not sure when will she come... without that, our date will not be romantic... I've called her so many times but she isn't picking up my calls.
Jimin: Oh God. Tae you know Jungkook is patient with time... he never liked it when he is getting late for a given time.. what will I do? He must be cursing me now.
Taehyung: It's Y/n's fault.
Jimin: Yeah.
Taehyung: 😥
Jimin: Oh don't get sad... I have a plan!
Taehyung: What..!?

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