𝐽𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑦 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒

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Percy was sitting on the railings of the ship drawing as he listened to Sanji and luffy bicker about when they should have food. As he saw a figure training outside with his shirt off.

It was undeniable that Percy thought zoro was attractive especially considering the fact that their the same age, however he still wasn't sure about his sexuality, did he only kiss him to get back at him? To prove a point?. Why did he even care it was just a tease? So why did it bother him so much?. But what really bothered him was seeing vivi talking to him pre workout, he knew that there was nothing going on between them and even if there was it wasn't his business.

Zoro caught him staring but held a bored expression as he continued talking to vivi.

Vivi then walked up to Percy handing him something.

Percy: whats this?

Vivi: it's clothing we'll be walking under hot temperature; it's good cover up so you don't get any burns.

Percy: thank you, I'll put it on.

Percy went to change and when he came out he was wearing a scarf around his head and his neck and a long blue and white coat that hung past his knees he was also wearing black sandals courtesy to vivi.

Vivi: you clean up well.

Percy: I try.

Percy went to go sit down by the railings until someone came up to him.

Zoro: oi.

Percy: Hm?.

Zoro: i saw you staring.

Percy: yes i was staring at the lovely view behind you.

Zoro: i mean i coulda swore i saw a little slight bit of drool.

Zoro said pointing at his mouth.

Percy: maybe it was you're imagination.

Zoro: careful Jackson we wouldn't want you getting jealous would we?.

Percy: careful roronoa i don't get jealous.

Percy said getting off of the boat to go to his brothers after one of them just defeated a turtle?.

Ace: I see you've found a new play thing.

Percy: Hm, he's not a play thing he's cute.

Percy pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

Luffy: I'm hungry when can we eat!!

Sanji: when vivi san says.

Luffy: vivi!!!

Vivi: but we're still not even half way there.

Luffy: you idiot haven't you heard the saying, if you're hungry eat!

Ussop: Liar!

Vivi: fine we'll take a break at the next rock we find.


Luffy lost.

Percy: what an idiot.

Luffy also got the bags stolen by lying thieving birds in less than five minutes.

Percy: sometimes it's hard to believe you're my brother.

Luffy: hey! It's not my fault vivi didn't mention it.

Vivi: he's right, I'm so sorry!

Percy: well there's nothing we can do about it now.

Percy sat on a rock day dreaming.

Flashback to 11 years ago:

Percy was sitting on his fathers bed, which he often sleeps in due to his nightmares, he often dreams about being sunk to the bottom of the sea and sometimes he wouldn't wake up for a while. He never knew why he got those dreams, it was kind of like a warning but he couldn't figure out why, his dad tried medicines and even doctors but nothing worked so he just read books after books.

Percy: dad

Shanks: Hm?

Percy: why did you decided to have me?

Shanks: why are you asking?

Percy: aren't I burden?

Shanks: you could never be a burden perse, I chose to keep you because the moment i laid my eyes on you i couldn't imagine, giving you up to anyone else you needed me and i guess i needed you.

Percy: getting all sentimental now huh?

Shanks: shut up!

Shanks and Percy laughed together.

End of flashback:

Nami: Percy! Hey Percy! Snap out of it!.

Percy: huh? Sorry what?

Nami: we're gonna camp here for the night, with that big monster thing Luffy caught we might aswell eat it for dinner.

Percy: got it.

It was now night and Percy decided to sit next to zoro who was sat warming himself up with his arms, he then put his long overcoat on him.

Zoro: oi take it back you'll freeze.

Percy: the cold doesn't bother me, just take it.

Zoro: fine, thank you.

Percy: no worries handsome.

Zoro hid the blush of embarrassment and looked away.

Sanji: here's you're food Percy-San enjoy

Percy: thanks Sanji

Percy kissed his hand while rubbing it.


Percy: oi...

Zoro: Hmph.

Percy: careful roronoa if i had known better I'd have thought you were jealous.

Zoro: you keep telling yourself that.

Short chapter because I'm tryna focus on the other chapters beforehand and have so many ideas, but tell me should i wait for something to happened between zoro and Percy maybe like right when kuma takes all the strawhats they confess their love or should i just jump forward.

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