Chapter 14

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Tammy's POV


"Where do you think Megan is?" I said, worrying about her being all alone, she's been out there for a while. I put down a book I was reading.

"I bet she's making out with Zack, again, and they already back at their campsite making out," Greg said walking in from the kitchen. Tonya rolled her eyes, trying to pay attention on what was on TV.

"I don't know...she seemed pretty pissed," I highly doubt she was back with Zack. Maybe she got her and is stranded. Or worse! Or, she could have just gone back to her campsite and went to bed...I don't know.

"Or, Megan is running around in the woods alone. Screaming, because I pyshco manic killer is going to kill her! But none of us can hear her, so she gets killed. And we are next," Greg than started laughing. I shivered and got goosebumps.

"Tammy, how about you go upstairs and see if Abby is okay?" Tony requested me to do. I was bored, so I was going to.

"Okay," I got up, "I'll also take a shower." I walked upstairs and stopped at the top of the stairs, where Greg and Tonya couldn't see me.

"Why do you have to make Tammy nervous about where Megan and Zack are? God, your such an idiot! If you love Tammy, you wouldn't act like such a jack ass," Tonya shook her head, I could see them, but they couldn't see me, "Go check on Megan, Zack, and Nathan anyways. They need to leave before Scarlett, Starr, and Brad come back."

"What? Why me!" Greg shouted. I could tell he was drunk.

"Because your an ass! Now go!" Tonya shouted. "And don't comeback till you bring Megan and Zack right here." I heard Greg slam the door behind him, and Tonya sighed.

I got up and grabbed my pajamas and a towel and walked into the bathroom.




Greg walked outside slamming the door behind him. He was pissed. He's always liked Tammy and can't stop liking her. Yet, he never realizes how much Tammy truly hates him.

"Megan! Zack!" He shouted but got no reply, so he just kept walking until her saw Zack's van. He was curious, so her opened the van's door and saw a bong, weed, cocaine, beer, and pills. Greg jumped up and down in joy. "Thank you Zack!"

He jumped right into the van and closed the door behind him, so no one could see him doing the drugs. He then went to his favorite thing. The bong. He turned the flame under it and the bubble rush came right away. Everything turned dizzy for Greg and he started giggling.

"This is the shit!" Greg said continuing to laugh. Then, the van started to shake.

"Zack? Nathan?" He said laughing think it was his friends joking around, but the shaking became more aggressive. "Okay guys, stop!" Greg shouted and the shaking stopped, so Greg went right back to the bong.

Then, something jumped right on top of the van. "What the fuck?" Greg said confused, but still laughing and coughing from the bong. Right as Greg looked up a machete went right threw the car roof right through Greg's face. Then, the machete was pulled back up and Greg's corpse fell right on to the van's floor, and the lighter started to set the car on fire.

Jason then jumped off the roof and walked away from the van until he saw a cat passing the road.

Who will die next?


Belle's POV


"Hey, Felicity, isn't that Rosemary's sister's cabin?" I asked looking through the window. I swore I saw someone in a mask by a van, but I don't the rumor's about Jason Voorhees. No one can be undead.

"Yeah, I think," Felicity said while driving, "We are almost back to Rosemary's house. Ah! Can't believe the wedding is so soon! I would die for a wedding right now. I just love them!" Felicity said all joyfully.

I just laid my head back on the window.

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