Chapter 18

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Rosemary's POV


"Cooper! It's us!" Liam said waving his hands for Cooper to see. I could hear Cooper sigh.

"Oh thank god! I thought you were Jason," Cooper said smiling. I looked around and didn't see Scarlett with him.

"Where's Scarlett?" I asked.

"She ran back to the house to find Starr, Brad and Tammy," he said with a worried tone in herrow voice. "I'm worried about her, Rosemary. I really care about her," he said looking down.

"Me too," I said.

"Hey? Guys? I know your worried about them, but we kind of need to get going before Jason kills us," Belle said waving her arms around. I nodded.

"You're right," I took a deep breath, "I think Jason's shack is a little bit more north," I said trying to remember that map I printed off.

"We have to find it and burn it to the ground, right?" Cooper said, asking me. I bet it was the right idea.

"Yes. Yes! Let's just go? I don't like being in the middle of here alone," I felt the rain come down hard on us. The wind was making my hair flow crazy. I couldn't believe this storm... I jumped as Liam grabbed my shoulder and I turned around.

"Everything will be alright," he kissed me. His lips soft and his British accent is beautiful. "Now lets go-" Suddenly Liam was grabbed. He was grabbed by Jason!

Jason put his hands on Liam's head and started squishing it. I screamed as loud as j can! I felt the tears falling down my eyes. Then, Liam's blood got all over me. I wanted to fall down but Belle grabbed my hand and yanked me away from Liam and Jason.

Belle's POV

I quickly grabbed Rosemary's hand as Liam was being killed by Jason. I just kept running, and running. I followed Cooper, but I doubt we knew we were going. I even just checked behind me to make sure Rosemary was still behind me.

"He's- he's dead!" Rosemary said, crying. She has Liam's blood all over her. Her own fiancée just died, and they were suppose to be married very soon. She needs someone to keep her confidence, and I will do that job.

We kept running a few more minutes, but stopped when Cooper made sure Jason wasn't following us anymore. "We're clear," Cooper said checking behind trees. I sat Rosemary down on a log who burst out crying. The strikes of thunder and lighting made it hard to hear her pain.

"He's dead! Liam is dead!" Rosemary said crying. I knew I needed to do something, so I smacked her.

"Get out of it! Felicity and Ken are dead, too! And I'd rather not die today. Now, remember where that mother fucking shack is so we can kill Jason!" I couldn't believe how harsh I was. Cooper and Rosemary started at me as the rain came down. "I'm sorry..." I said with embarrassment.

"Don't be. You're right," Rosemary stood up and brushed herself, "Liam wanted t safe, and I will avenge his death! Let's go. I think I remember," Rosemary grabbed my hand and started walking with Cooper behind us.

I hope we are safe.


Starr's POV

Time is unknown

Brad, Tammy, and I are hiding in a one of the bedroom's upstairs. I can't remember who's since all of this has just been...crazy! I can't believe Tonya is dead...she was just such a great person, and J wonderful friend. All of this is just crazy. I can't believe this...

"Starr!" my thinking was interrupted by someone saying my name from the hallway. Brad and I walked to the door.

"Who is it?" Brad said wielding a axe.

"It's Scarlett, and Abby. We came back for you guys," Scarlett whispered and I quickly opened the door. I hugged Scarlett and met a relief.

"Oh my god I was hoping you weren't dead!" I said, crying a little bit. "I couldn't do anything without you," I kept hugging her and didn't let her go. As Abby walked in the room, Brad closed the door and locked it, so it was just Scarlett, Brad, Tammy, Abby, and I all safe in the bed room.

"I'm glad your safe, too!" Scarlett said, hugging me as well. We let each other go and I smiled.

"I'm glad your safe, too," I said to Abby who sat down on the bed with Tammy and gave me a smirk.

"Where's Cooper?" Brad asked.

"He ran into the woods, so did my sister, her fiancé, and her friend. I hope the are all okay," Scarlett then walked over and peaked out the window.

"Why'd the run into the woods?" Tammy asked, she cuddled up with Abby to feel safe.

"They are going to burn down Jason's shack," Scarlett said while trying to turn on the lamp. "Ugh! We have no light and reception!" Scarlett said, aggravated.

"Maybe we go in the woods, too," I said. They all started at me like I was crazy.

"Are you serious?"

"Do you want us dead!"

"We'll be safe in here."

"Guys! It's just an idea. If we wanna kill Jason, Rosemary did say burning the shack would be the best way," I than sat down on the desk chair. Brad walked over to me and kissed me on my lips and looked at me with his eyes.

"You're crazy," he said.

"Hey!" I pushed him away.

"Okay, maybe-" Scarlett stopped as we heard footsteps from down stairs. Heavy foot steps, and the sounds of something sharp is being dragged.

"He's here," Brad said.

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