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The moment Dabi called his twin sister, she rushed over. Fuyumi never fully trusted Hawks; she always thought he was too caught up in the thrill of the moment, and she was worried about him leaving her brother in the dust. That's exactly what happened when they went off to college. After Rei Todoroki was killed in a car accident, their already broken family further fractured. Natsuo was a year younger than Dabi and Fuyumi, and he went to college in the States, frantic to get away from their father. Rei's death utterly crushed Dabi to his core; she seemed to be the only one who really believed in him, and she was snuffed out like a light before he even got to say goodbye.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"It's open!" Dabi's voice calls, and Fuyumi hesitantly opens the door. Instantly, the smell of burned chicken and aluminum floods her nose, and she starts coughing as she sees a thin veil of smoke.

"What did you do, Dabi?! Why haven't your smoke detectors gone off?!" Fuyumi wheezes, covering her nose with her sleeve as she closes the door behind her. Dabi is sprawled out on the couch in the living room with an empty tub of ice cream, staring up at the ceiling.

"The bi-hic-ird left his fuuuuucking white claws and chicke-hic-chicken nuggets. So I poured the drinks down the drain and then burnnned the cannssss and the f-hic-food," Dabi slurs, waving a spoon haphazardly.

"Are you drunk?" Fuyumi raises her eyebrow as she approaches her twin's side. She snatches the empty ice cream carton and sniffs it before reeling back.

"Pourrred the rrrrest of the vodkaaaa in the ice creammmm. Teeeeeen out of teeeeen," Dabi slurs, rubbing his eyes.

"Dabi, you should've been at practice half an hour ago. They're gonna be worried about y-"

Knock. Knock. Knock.


Knock. Knock. Knock.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Dabi?" Twice's voice rings out three times like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory .

"Goddamnit," Dabi groans, "I don't want them to see me like this."

"Dabi! Are you alright?!" Toga shouts with worry, and Dabi sighs. Toga was like a little sister to him, and he couldn't just let her wait outside. She was the only one of his friends that he actually cared whether or not he made her upset.

"IT'S OPENNNNNN!" Dabi calls drunkenly.

The door creaks open, and the other members of the League of Villains awkwardly stand outside, staring in through the haze of smoke. They file in, and Compress shuts the door behind them as they all take in the tragic scene.

"Wow, Dabi. You look pathetic," Shigaraki says bluntly, only for Spinner to harshly elbow him in the side.

"I feel pathetic," Dabi grumbles, wiping the stray tears from his eyes and completely smearing his eyeliner. His eyes are bloodshot from crying, and his face is red and puffy. His facial piercings are glistening with tears.

"What happened?" Spinner asks concerned as they all sit in various chairs in the living room. Toga squats beside Dabi's head at the foot of the couch, staring down at him with concern. Dabi's lip trembles, and he covers his face with his hands, throwing the spoon onto the ground.

"I don't wanna talk about it," He bursts into alcohol-induced emotional sobs, and Fuyumi gives them a forlorn look.

"He caught Hawks cheating on him on their security camera, and he said some real shitty things to him. So Dabi kicked him out and dumped him," Fuyumi explains while Dabi vigorously nods, wiping away his tears and attempting to compose himself.

Music Keeps Us Alive: College Band AUWhere stories live. Discover now