Broken Bird

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Hawks wipes away his tears as he pulls into the Alpha Rho Beta driveway. He couldn't believe he'd been so fucking stupid. He'd completely forgotten about the RING doorbell; it was supposed to be a one-time thing just so he could pass chemistry. He never thought Toya would be the one to dump him; Hawks thought he had the little emo boy wrapped around his finger, but apparently, that wasn't the case. Mirko (third-year exercise and sport science major) and Ryukyu (fourth-year biological engineering major) are sitting outside on the porch drinking TRULY's when Hawks pulls up in his bright red Mustang. Mirko immediately sets down her drink and jumps up from the porch swing; Hawks always calls before he comes over, so something must be wrong. He parks his car and grabs his duffel bag from the passenger seat, hopping out and slamming the door. He doesn't want to be broken up over Toya...Dabi...whoever his ex-partner had become. Dabi was right; Hawks became a different person when they went to college...but...Hawks liked being this new person. If Dabi couldn't handle that...that was his problem...not Hawks'. But...Hawks never thought he'd get left for it. They told each other before UA University...whatever happens...they'll stick together no matter what. He'd supported his stupid band...he'd supported his side hustle in music. Hell, they'd even written a song together. Dabi got Hawks into music; he encouraged Hawks to record his own songs, and he showed him how to work the music programs on his laptop. Now, Hawks was on his own for the first time in three years.

"Jesus, are you okay? I thought you were at Dabs' place tonight?" Mirko asks as she stumbles toward her best friend. Her eyes widen when she sees the drying streaks of tears on his face.

"I got dumped. I didn't think I'd be this torn up about it," Hawks sniffs, trying to regain his composure.

"C'mon, babes, let's get you inside," Mirko hushes as she grabs his hand and pulls him toward the grand sorority house. She escorts Hawks up the stairs to the top floor and down the white-walled hallway to her and Ryuko's room, where she promptly shuts the door behind Hawks. He faceplants on Mirko's bed and dissolves into a flurry of feathers and sobs, while Mirko just stares at him with her arms crossed, tapping her foot in irritation.

"I told you that you were too attached. But no one ever listens to me !" She grumbles indignantly.

"I can't believe that I just threw him aside like that!" Hawks sniffs into her fluffy pillow, and Mirko scrunches up her face.

"I thought you said that you got dumped," She points out.


"I've been bitching about him for months, Hawks. I thought you were planning on cutting him off soon," Mirko sighs, sitting next to him on the bed.

"I don't know. I've been fucking conflicted. I've been with him so long, ya know? I just thought...I don't know. I guess I thought I could get away with shit. All his stupid new friends gave him fucking self-esteem or something," Hawks growls, balling up his fists.

"How dare he. How dare he do this to me?!" Hawks suddenly shouts, his golden eyes glaring.

"Yeah, there you go. Get mad! Get angry! Don't beat yourself up over this. Win the breakup!" Mirko blurts encouragingly, her ears twitching.

"Damn right, I'm gonna win this fucking breakup. I'm gonna make him sorry. You know, you're right, Mirko. I'm better off without him. He was holding me back," Hawks reasons out loud as he unzips his duffel.

"Of course I'm right. I'm your best friend. Are you spending the night here tonight? You can go back to Psi Gamma Theta in the morning," Mirko yawns, scratching her arm, "I'm sure your boys will be glad to have you living in their house again."

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