#5 Everything stopped.

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Everything stopped, people stood like statues all around me, people frozen in cars, men on bicycles, babies in prams all lifeless, frozen in time. 

This one sucks. I just spent like 15 minutes staring at pics of grant gustin, so i was in a flash mood. Just skip it.

Everything stopped, people stood like statues all around me, people frozen in cars, men on bicycles, babies in prams all lifeless, frozen in time. Stuck as they ran for safety. Orange lightning swirled around me as I stood, staring at the bomb several feet ahead of me. The red light blinked slowly as it counted down the milliseconds. 1.59 seconds. That's about 4 minutes in flashtime. That's 4 minutes for The Flash to save everyone in the busy square from the suicide bomber. Joe and a handful of armed policemen stared in horror at the man wrapped in a vest of wires, saying their final prayers. I had 4 minutes before everything would be in flames. I've had worse, but I'm used to running against time. Let's get to work.

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