Part 1

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After confronting the now aged Mark, you stood up from the table you two had sat in to have one last chat before he was gone. The door, there was some light shining through the cracks of it. It made you very curious into finding out what's behind the door that had drawn you in. As curiousity got the better of you, you stood up and walk towards the door, leaving the now empty and once bustling diner.

Opening the door, you saw Mark, the Mark that you knew since you boarded the ship, the Mark that was once so enthusiastic about almost everything. He was in the room where the warpcore once was, as you stood there, multiple scenarios of him just desperately trying to escape the room that he was stuck in, pondering if he could actually escape plays.

"There's still time, I can't give up."

Words he had once said to you echoes through the room, regardless if those words were negative or positive, it doesn't matter now. You stood there, letting the "memories" of him being stuck in this room he can't seem to leave flash through like a video compilation just for you.

"How could the captain do this?.."

"There has to be a way!"

Mark, being the head engineer he is sure does know how to build his stuff as you watch him rebuilt the warpcore that was once gone.

The line "There's not much time!" was echoing as "I just need more time." follows.

"We trusted you, I trusted you."


The scream brought you back into reality, all the past iterations of Mark that had looked straight into your eyes before the scream are now gone as you were greeted with your dear head engineer Mark holding what seems to be an O2 tank(?)

"Hi captain" he says as you were then knocked out by the O2 tank he was holding.

Your head is spinning while your ears are ringing as you were slowly waking up, trying to get a grip on yourself after getting smack on the back of your head by an O2 tank, "Sorry about that, couldn't afford to let you make a mistake." you turn to where his voice was, you saw his boots standing infront of you then kneeling on one knee to meet your view.

He pulls and grabs your left hand tightly where the warp crystal is. You're trying to steady your breathing while gently wiggling your hand to try and get him to let go of your left hand as he pulls out a pair of pliers to rip the warp crystal out of your gloved palm. "Funny thing to say after an eternity of nothing but second chances" he says jokingly while still having a serious tone.

The crystal that holds the power of transporting you to another universe or timeline is now ripped away from your palm where it once was. As you reach your right hand out to get the crystal back, Mark grabs your hand and stared into your eyes, "Don't" he says firmly. "You don't have to keep trying anymore" he lets go of your hand he was holding as he gets up from the ground, "There's no time anyway," he pauses as you slowly try to get up from the ground "Another thing I never thought I'll say" he continues the line where he left off. "But I'm going to fix the damage you caused." he points the warp crystal at you while he finished the sentence, "You see, I have plenty of time rebuilding this machine you broke," he then kneels to where the warpcore is, "a long time over too many lives." he scoffs.

He wiggle his hand that is holding the warp crystal to get your attention to it, "But I know now that this thing does more than just makes wormholes." he gently inserted the warp crystal into the warpcore. A blue-ish hue fills the room as the sound of the warpcore activating fills you and Mark's ear. "Distance and time are the same thing from different perspectives." he gets up to walk to the control panel as you stood there, listening to him explaining, "That's all this universes are, just different points of view. And this machine didn't just bridge a tunnel through our universe, it was bridging all of them. And you destroyed it." the last line was spoken heavily under his breath. A sound of the control panel activating as he speaks again.

"I can't undo what you've done." he lifts his head up to look straight at you, he looks down to the control panel again "Not here anyway." you backed away as Mark looks at you and motions his left hand to the lever "Or at least, not now." he pulls down the Lever to activate the machine.

"Warpcore engaged" the computer announces.

"If I could go back," he starts walking towards you, pointing one finger at you "If I could try again, if I could stop you before any of this even started." he seems mad at you, it makes sense why he would be but it still hurts you that you that your best friend, partner in crime, right hand man, your head engineer is now against you.

"Maybe I could save everyone" he says that as he smiles, desperation in his voice, sounding more unhinged now.

"Warning, Paradox Detected" the computer announced, "What? What the hell does that mean?" he says, confusion in his voice as he turns to look at you, hoping you might be able to explain it but instead, he was greeted with you throwing sand into his eyes, blinding him for awhile. "Temporal lock unstable" the computer reports.

"What the hell was that!?" Mark exclaims as you quickly move pass him to go over the control panel trying to undo the stuff that Mark just did. "Is that sand? Who throws sand?!" Mark still shouting but it seems a bit more mockingly this time. "Paradox Detected" the computer announced again.

You hurriedly went over to the warpcore, hoping that retrieving the warp crystal will stop it all. "Captain NO!" Mark grabs your hand before you could even get close to the machine "You'll destroy EVERYTHING again!" Mark proclaims as you try your very best to break free from his grasp.

"Target arrival date, not guaranteed." the computer stated.

The warpcore machine started glowing and a beacon was shot up the room and the room started breaking apart as a wormhole formed in the room.

Mark started getting sucked into the wormhole, "eughAA captain, CAPTAIN!" he reach out his hand to grab yours that was openly displayed there to let him get a hold to you as you firmly grabbed onto the rails near the machine. Mark starts shouting to you to not let go, "DON'T LET GO, DON'T LET GO!"

As he looks back to the wormhole that was sucking him in, he turns back to you and said "Wait. Let me go" he stars motioning his free hand for you to let go.

"CAPTAIN, Let me go, please. I can fix all of this, everything you did, I can undo it, please.. I know I can fix all of this, there has to be a perfect solution to all of this!" you look over to the warpcore machine, your brain clogs turning, 'Should I let go? Should I really risk it? Will Mark actually be able solve all this?' you look back at Mark, "This is my last chance.. OUR last chance to save everyone.. PLEASE!" Mark protesting.

The computer keeps on reminding both of you the things it had said before. 'Do I let go?' you thought to yourself. Mark keeps begging and begging hoping you would, and you finally do. Nodding at him, you let go.

You watch as Mark gets suck into the wormhole, the wormhole then closes after Mark was sucked into it, maybe landing into another universe or timeline. You're then blown away by the wave of the wormhole closing, "Warning, Paradox critically threshold exceeded." the computer then reports. You quickly got up from the ground and turn to the warpcore machine, "Universal Collapse Imminent, initiating time jump." the computer announced one last time before the warpcore machine was teleported away, gone.

You went over to the control panel to try and at least do or check something, but the control panel was already dead. The realization hit, you noticed what you've done, you look at your hands , those hands that once held onto the hope and chances of getting everyone saved, now gone.

You sit down onto the ground, warm tears forming in your eyes, "Shit. I messed it all up.."
You said, still trying to hide the fact you're crying even if there's no one in the room with you. You knew there was no escape for you anymore, you've seen Mark being stuck in here for who knows how long, you thought of maybe you could try a build the machine back? Hell who are you lying to, you don't even know how to build a machine like he does.

You lay onto the ground, feeling tired. "I'm tired..So tired... I'm sorry Mark.." as you drowse into a deep slumber, a one you wish you will never wake up from, a one where you don't wake up to hearing the ship malfunctioning. But it doesn't matter now does it?

After all, you are the villain and he is the hero.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2022 ⏰

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