The Banquet

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Amidst the darkness there is a room. In the distance it glows, seemingly in a perpetual state of dusk. The lighting is magnificent, yet something is amiss.

The location of this room is a mystery that doesn't matter. Nobody thinks to ask. Everyone who ventures into this room is immediately overwhelmed; in awe of the feast laid out before them on the grand table. Not one person ever notices the intricacies of this polished, hand-carved table. Some may briefly glance at the opulent crystal chandelier hanging above. But the scents of champagne, freshly uncorked wine,  baked tropical fruits and slow roasted meats distract all from admiring the delicate, glistening cylinders ever so slightly swaying above, illuminating that goldenrod creamsicle color pouring into this room. Despite the grandeur that the chandelier and table provide, one cannot help but feel this place still lacks something; a soul.

If the candlesticks were not as tall as they were, rising above the cartoon-ish mountains of food piled on to the table, nobody would even think they existed. Were it not for the flames burning atop the wicks and the occasional drip of wax, the naked eye would have deemed the candles fake in their metallic rosy gold color.

This room, though mysterious in origin, is prepared for the guests. Despite the opulent feast scattered around the exquisitely made table, nobody at first ever believes the food is for them. Perhaps the spectacle is overwhelming. If only the guests understood why they were really there. Unfortunately, most of these salmagundis and smorgasbords rarely offer such insight to those dining in this room. Perhaps this feast will be one of those rare occasions where something substantial is gleaned. Though judging by the guest list, one shouldn't hold their breath.

MAÎTRE D' enters, briefly inspecting the scene, making minor readjustments where necessary. When GUEST #3 walks in, they are utterly flabbergasted, the senses overwhelmed.

Oh dear!

Is there something not to your liking?

What? Oh no. It's just... I wasn't expecting there to be this much food. I hate to be thinking about this already, but my psychologist told me I needed to practice being more forthcoming.

Just what are you trying to say?

I'm... I just... well to be frank I don't know how everyone is supposed to pay for all of this.

Know that if you're in a place like this, you've probably already paid for it, right?

I suppose you're right.

MAÎTRE D' ushers GUEST #3 toward their seat.

Let me take your coat?

Oh, that's a cardigan, not a coat. But an easy mistake I suppose.

An awkward pause fills the room with less space than what is seen on the table. GUEST #3 surveys the spread. this results in  a comical attempt by MAÎTRE D' to seat GUEST #3 several times  the guest almost sits down in their chair only to stand up to examine more of the nearby food. after several attempts, the MAÎTRE D' become exasperated and begins pulling the chair away only for GUEST #3 to sit down and nearly fall! luckily, MAÎTRE D' is swift enough catch GUEST #3 before they tumble to the ground! As GUEST #3 is still in the arms of the MAÎTRE D', they joke.

No Smoking in the BanquetOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora