Chapter 1

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My name is Izabella Smith and I'm sixteen years old, five foot-ten, blonde with blue eyes, a swimmer, and probably the least like girl at my school. I do have two best friends through, Angle and Jessi. They room with me at our home, the good old Orphanage. Troy, Missouri Orphanage. Two blocks away form the rich part of town.

When I was two months old I was just put on the doorstep with a letter explaining that my mother just couldn't keep me, but that she would be back, someday.

Angle, on the other hand, her parents died in a car crash when she was two years old. She came to the Orphanage crying and alone. I couldn't help myself, I just walked up to her and hugged her. We've been friends ever since.

Jessi arrived when she was two weeks old. Her mom had died during birth, and her dad killed himself soon after. She was found, one week old, at he top of a cliff, half dead. She stayed at the hospital for a week before coming to us. I arrived soon after.

All three of us together make up 'The Three Two's'. that's the c\group's name, everyone calls us that, even the kids that don't know us. The three of us are as close as anything, we tell each other everything. And I do mean everything. Well except one thing, I work for the CIA. You think I'm kidding, but i'm not I have saved your lives so many times that I have lost count. In fact, as you're reading this, I'm probably out there saving you're buttocks again.

It was a normal day, I woke up, did paperwork, went to school, got picked on, came home, did more paperwork, got changed for work, went downstairs to tell Amy I was leaving, but when I walked into the room, I saw someone was already in there. I started to back out but Amy waved me back in. Then I heard ten words, ten words that changed my life forever.

"Hello, I'm River Song, but you can call me mum."

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