Chapter 2

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My mind reeled. Had my mom, after sixteen years, finally come for me? Amy was looking at me and River was looking out the window. My mind struggled to grab hold of what was going on, so it did what it does best in these kind of situations, it pushed work to the front of my mind.

"Mom, huh? Have you earned to that title?" I asked smiling sweetly, she looked at me shocked the smiled brightly.

"Nope." she said popping the P. I rolled my eyes and looked at Amy.

"I'm leaving, my shift ends at eleven but John, and I are going to the midnight premiere of 'Horror in the Park'. So I'll be back around two-Thirty, may I have the key?"

"Sure." she started to dig through her Drawers to find the spare key. "Do you want me to wait up for you?"

"No, I should be fine, but if you could leave me some actual food in the microwave for when I get home, I'm going to be eating junk all night."

"Sound good." she handed me the key and hugged me good bye. I smiled and picked up my bag while slipping the key into my pocket at the same time.

"Bye Amy, I'll see you tomorrow." I said waving goodbye as I'm walking out. Little did I know that I wouldn't be seeing her or my home for a very long time.


"Mind if I walk with you?" River asked falling into step by my side.

"Not like I could stop you." I said checking my phone as it buzzed. It was John.

Black's not happy you're late.

I grimaced and replied quickly

Sorry, something came up.

"Who you texting?" River sang trying to see over my shoulder at my texts. I hid my phone from her

"A friend."

Something or someONE?

"What's thier name?"


Someone. But not in the way you are thinking.

"Is this John your boyfriend?"

"No. Is this twenty questions?"


"You have my attitude." River laughed

"I really don't care."  I replied coldly.

I'll give u three guesses.

"Do you ever do anything extreme?" She asked I rolled my eyes.

"I live in the extreme."

IDK Did Tammy show up again?

"What do you do?"

"Oh, the normal stuff. Defuse nuclear bombs, gun fights, jump off cliffs and go down waterfalls. Oh, and I catch rapists in my free time."

Nope. Two more to go.

"Yep, that's so normal." she said sarcastically.

"I thought so."


I groaned. Thank God it wasn't Justin, I hate that kid.

"What? Were do you work."

"Nothing and I work with the CIA."

Nope. One more try.

"You're kidding."

"Nope. I've been working with them ever since I was nine."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2013 ⏰

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