What Are We?

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Dipper and Mabel spent the majority night making a pillow fort with the pillows they had. A childish attempt to ignore the reality that was right in front of them. Part of the reason they acted like this was the excess of energy buzzing just underneath their skin... did they still have skin? Either way, they felt like they'd just downed an entire tub of caffeine. Not to mention their new senses. When Stan dropped the blanket on top of Mabel, Dipper had actually thought that he'd lost his sister forever. He was being bombarded with so many new senses, it reminded them of their time hurtling through whatever that was on the other side of the portal. The time when he'd thought he'd lose his sister forever if he took his eyes off her for more than a second. It took almost the entire night for them to finally calm down enough to fully grasp their situation and get adjusted to their new senses as a sense of sadness washed over them. 

Dipper floated in the air as he looked down at his "hands." They were nothing more than stick replicas of what they should be. He didn't even know how he was able to tell what his hands looked like. He was sure he had his eyes... eye closed. He had to keep his eye closed, every time he tried to open it he got bombarded with information. It was like every piece of information was trying to force itself into his eye. Dipper somehow noticed Mabel had floated down to one of the pillows and was now... sitting? It was kind of hard to tell with their new forms. It was at this moment Dipper noticed Mabel was crying. In an instant all worries over himself vanished, only to be replaced by concern for his sister. 

"M-Mabel are you okay!?" Dipper asked as he hurriedly rushed to comfort his sister. 

She suddenly sprung up and grabbed him in a hug, an action that was a bit awkward considering their now mostly 2D. What really surprised him though was something else. He could suddenly feel Mabel's sadness. It was hard to describe but that was the best he could get to putting it into words their still mostly human minds could comprehend. It was obvious Mabel could feel this too from her exclamations of "Woah..." 

Dipper silently agreed with his sister, their previous melancholy forgotten in favor of wonder at the new odd power they'd gained. "This is so weird," Dipper muttered. 

"Yeah, it's almost like how it was in the portal," Mabel elaborated. 

Seeing they were mostly calm now, Dipper sat down and began thinking about their predicament. Dipper tried to remember what happened to get them here, key word being tried. Dipper looked towards his sister, hoping for her help in remembering things but he could tell that she was on the same page as him. He didn't know how, he just did. Maybe it had something to do with their new twin ESP thing? Nevermind that. For some reason, Dipper couldn't remember anything from before Gravity Falls. He could remember the important stuff like his sister and that they lived in California with their parents, but he couldn't remember anything about them before they sent them off to stay with their great uncle Stan.

Dipper decided he'd worry about his memories of his parents later. For now, he needed to concentrate on what he could remember. Yet, even that was spotty. He could remember bits and pieces, nothing major though. He suddenly felt Mabel's frustration grow through the link and turn to see her struggling to remember much like he'd been just a moment prior. "Let me guess, no luck with your memories either?" 

Mabel sighed and said, "Nope. I can remember bits and pieces from Gravity Falls, but nothing from our home." 

"Okay," Dipper said, trying to think of a plan. "First we need to try and use what we have. We need to figure out what we actually do remember." He sighed again and said, "Shame we don't have the journal yet. Having someplace to write this stuff down would be nice." Suddenly Dipper felt... something... inside him. A nagging feeling like there was something he could do. He tried to focus on this feeling, trying to bring it to his full attention. When he did he felt something leave him, an energy he didn't have before he became what he is now. Suddenly, in a puff of smoke, the journal was there. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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