More Kids?!

519 10 14

I'm not dead don't worry. Just been having a bit of a depressive slump

They watched the other kids round the corner and they saw the dark skinned girl and the girl who said her name was Rose. "Rose!" Lily said excitedly running to her "Lily!" Rose said running. They hugged when they got close enough

"I was so worried." Rose stated relieved

Lily just nuzzled into her chest

The dark skinned girl made gagging motions behind her

Albus started "So anyways,"

The girls turned to look at him

"You should introduce yourselves you two."

Pansy spoke up "She already said her name, back when she got here." She said pointing to Rose

"I'm Vanessa." The dark skinned girl- or Vanessa- stated

"Nice to meet you, Vanessa." Draco said curtly

"Cut the bullshit, Dad." Lily said bluntly "We know you don't actually act like that."

"Lily!" Albus exclaimed

"Albus!" Lily mimicked

Albus just scowled at her

"Are they always like that?" Pansy questioned

Rose sighed and said "Not, always... Just, a lot..."

Vanessa frowned and said "You know what, I'm gonna go find Cissy."

That got the twins attention

"Hey! Don't you dare touch our sister!!" They shouted in unison

Vanessa started running followed by laughter as she ran

Lily and Albus chased after her

"Well, it was nice to meet you, but I should probably follow them." Rose stated and walked away

"That was strange." Pansy deadpanned

"Strange is an understatement." Draco murmured as they continued their walk to the common room.

                    Switching perspectives

"Fine, but I'm not going to help you with all of it. You need to do it yourself." Hermione said

"Thanks, 'Mione. Your a life saver." Ron thanked

The golden trio were on there way to their common room to work on the things they had been assigned from classes

(A/N I'm not sure what to call it. Schoolwork doesn't sound right. If anyone knows what to call it please tell me and this will be edited)

When they heard someone calling from a distance

"Lily?!" They heard again

"Who's that?" Harry asked

"I don't know, possibly one of the kids that appeared in class?" Hermione answered

"Let's go see if they're okay." Harry said

They walked toward were they heard the voice and found the girl with the green and silver eyes

Now that they could see her closer and she wasn't running they now noticed she had ears and a tail

"Hello? Are you okay?' Hermione asked the girl

She jumped, clearly startled, but quickly calmed down

"Yes, I'm fine. Just trying figure out where my siblings are." she responded

"What are your siblings names? We could help you find them. Infact, what is your name?" Hermione questioned

"Well, my older siblings names are Lily and Albus. Help would be nice. And my name is Cissy." She answered quickly

"Cissy?" Ron asked " That's a bit of an odd name, isn't it?"

Cissy thought for a bit

"Well, yes I suppose it is. But I was named after my grandmother, and Cissy was commonly used as a nickname for her." She answered easily

The trio nodded

Then Hermione asked "So what's up with the ears and tail? If you don't mind me asking."

"Oh, just a potions accident when I was little. I was playing in my father potions room and I bumped into a table with some potions on it and they spilled on me. My father spent half a decade trying to reverse it but nothing worked." She paused for a moment to let the information sink in a little. "Eventually I just got used to it and didn't care about reversing it, so my father stopped and now I just kinda live with it." She finished

The Golden trio was silent as they processed the information

Just then they heard a voice call "Cissy!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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