Chapter 1: 6 months later

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It had been 6 months since he rescued Liz from that cave. 6 months since he wrote the article that saved his job at GNN and made him the first (and only) reporter for Snaktooth Island, now informing the world about all the latest bugsnax news. 6 months since he sold his house in New Grump City and started living here, too. But it's only been a few days since he finally fixed his airboat.

Okay, Chandlo did most of the work. But it was functioning now! Now he didn't have to walk everywhere, and good thing too, his feet were always very sore. 

Who is he? The journalist, Buddy Wrigglehound, of course. Who else? 

He was on a park bench, writing some notes about the latest bugsnak he'd found. It was hard to concentrate, though. There were always so many grumpus's around ever since Snaktooth became a tourist attraction. Not unlike the city, but after spending a while where it was quiet, he realized that's how he preferred it. It gave him a bad headache, everything was loud, why was it so loud?

He curled up a bit, putting his head in his hands to hopefully calm down a bit. It was still very loud, so he used his hands to cover his ears, muffling the sound a bit. But now it was bright again. So he covered his eyes. Now it's loud again! 

The bench was scratchy. His notebook was just.. too purple. Now he could feel himself breathing. Why is everything so- 

"Woah, Buddy, are you ok?" A familiar voice asked. Buddy looked up to find it was Filbo, with a worried expression adorning his face.  "Is something wrong? Did something bad happen..?" He questioned, looking him up and down a bit, almost scanning for anything upsetting. 

He tried answering, but everything was just too everything and he just couldn't form any words, instead only vaguely waving his hands about.

 Filbo was a tad confused, but seemed to understand he didn't really wanna be there. This wasn't the first time his friend had been overstimulated like this since Snaktooth became a tourist hotspot, and he was starting to catch on. 

"Um, come on Buddy, how about I take you home?" He offered, holding out his paw to Buddy. Buddy gladly took it, he just wanted some quiet. 

Filbo lead him through the crowd of people, glancing back to check on him every few minutes.

Snaxburg was bigger now, it took longer to get where you were going. The main plaza had drifted away from the more residential area, and was much calmer on this side, due to less grumps who were on vacation being around. Buddy was able to relax and let his mind slow down, only hearing his and Filbo's footsteps padding along the soft, worn-down dirt paths. No one was out and about over here; grumps were either inside or in the main area of town. Everyone knows what happens to paparazzi around here.

They arrived at his house, still halfway constructed from hut to building. It got awful cold at night, and loosely put together boards didn't stop much wind, and his bed being a cot with a thin blanket didn't help much either. Sure, it was better than sleeping in his busted airboat, but not by much. There were many nights where he considered lighting the campfire and sleeping by that since it would be warmer. But now he had at least somewhat better insulation, and there was less reason to be called Cinderella now. 

"Alright, we're here now, Buddy." Filbo told the journalist, focusing his attention once more. "A-are you sure you're going to be okay alone? I can stay with you for a little bit if you want." He offered, looking away a bit and kicking his leg a bit back and forth, as if embarrassed to ask.

"I'd love dat, Filbo." Buddy agreed, "Just try to keep ya voice down, aight? We can play cards or somethin." He gave Filbo a small smile, pulling his own paw away from his to unlock the door. 

He did just that, opening the door and turning around to let Filbo through, only to see him rooted in the same spot as before. 

"Whatta ya waiting for? Get in 'ere!" Buddy told his friend, motioning for Filbo to follow him inside. 

"Huh? O-oh, yeah, right, sorry" He chuckled, a tinge of pink stretching across his face as he walked through the door. "Did- did you redecorate or something?" He asked, not having seen Buddy's home on the inside in a while. 

"Ye, still working on some tings dough." Buddy confirmed, closing the door as he stepped in himself. He moved over to his shelf, grabbing his favorite deck of cards and sitting at the table in the center of the room, motioning for Filbo to sit across from him.

"Now, how do ya feel about playing war?"


Thank you for reading! While this isn't my first fic, this is the first for this fandom and on this account. 

They say, "Be the change you want to see in this world.".

So I made Filbo gay

seriously why did no one else make this 

also the rating is mature just because im not sure where this is going, if i finish it and its fine then ill probably change the rating

edit: point out any time i say "you did ____" or "your ____"  im still not used to writing in 3rd person im used to 1st and 2nd lol

Bugsnax au Filbo x Male Journalist [RECONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now