Chapter 4: Road Trip?

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After the success of Buddy's article, the cafe was almost always swamped with grumps. There was usually a line outside the door, and Buddy couldn't hang out there anymore. In fact, nowhere on the island was quiet! 

Obviously, there's a lot of grumps on the beach and bay, that's expected. There were often grumpus in Garden Grove and Flavor Falls for the easy bugsnax, too. It's not even a stretch to think that grumps would be in the woods or in the canyon.

But when you can even find peace in the middle of the desert or the top of a mountain? Then there's a problem.

His own home wasn't even quiet! With new grumps moving in left and right, it felt like he was running out of room to breathe. But one day, he was sent over the edge.

He'd been walking down the main road, trying his best to block out the sound of a lot of conversation. Work papers in hand, he had been working on the next newspaper at home, but some sort of party started up outside. Disturbed by all the loud noise, he left, hoping to find some solitude... somewhere. Maybe the secret cave that Mama Mewon once resided. He never got to pick a place, though.

A pale-yellow grump was approaching him, not paying attention to anything but herself, not even her coffee. She bumped into Buddy, who didn't see her since he was looking down at his feet while he walked, and shocked by the impact, squeezed her coffee cup. All. Over. His. Papers.

"Oh my god, like, I'm sooooo sorry. Like, I hope those papers weren't like, important, or anything. Ugh, now I have to like, get more coffee. Greaaaat." She rolled her eyes, walking away. Her apology didn't seem like lying, per say, but her accent made it sound disingenuous. (valley girl accent)

Buddy felt like he was going to cry. That work was almost ready to be typed up, and now it was all gone. He wished he'd just typed it to begin with, his laptop is waterproof after all, but for some reason, he did better work if he wrote it by hand first, or at least used a typewriter. It only made more work for him, but that's how his workflow went. 

He sighed heavily, deciding it was finally time...

...To go on a drive again!

Driving around the countryside of New Grump always helped him when everything was overwhelming. So without a word, he headed back to his house, packing up some stuff to take with. Once he was ready, he grabbed the key to his airship, heading to the top of the path to Garden Grove where the ship still lied.

He tossed his stuff to the side near the steps, using the key to unlock the burner door to fuel it with some wood, quickly raising the balloon a little before progress naturally slowed.
As he was doing this, no one but Filbo walked up to the ship, checking up with what his friend was doing.

"Hey Buddy!  Whatcha doing?" He asked, watching the journalist feed the burner more wood.

"Huh?" Buddy asked, turning around, "Oh, I's was just gonna head to da mainland for a day or two. Everythin's too.. loud. And I know dat New Grump is too, but I's was just gonna be drivin' in da country. Helps wit calmin." Buddy explained, fanning the flames a bit.

"Really? Cool!" Filbo exclaimed, "Oh, um, c-could I come too? You still haven't taken me on that airboat ride you promised.." He said, trying to smile as cutely as possible.

"Oh, I guess I 'aven't. Well, go get some stuff for a day or two, den come back 'ere so we can leave ASAP." Buddy instructed him.

"Yay! I'll be back in 10 minutes, tops!" Filbo grinned, happily walking as fast as he could back to his house.

He was back not long later, now with a backpack strapped to him. By now the ship was ready for takeoff. Buddy gestured for Filbo to get up on the boat.

"Ye can just toss your bag over dere." Buddy said, pointing in the general direction of his own tossed bag. He closed the burner door, now needing mitts to do so, and headed up to the wheel, Filbo following. 

After it was safely in the air, he stepped aside, giving Filbo some room to take the wheel. "Ya said ya wanted ta steer it one day, didn't ye?" He asked with a small smile.

Filbo's eyes lit up, his short tail wagging profusely. He took the wheel, happily smiling as he kept the ship floating steadily. All was well for a while, until the wind picked up, and not in a favorable direction. It was pushing them sideways, and Filbo was having a tough time staying on course.

Without a word, Buddy moved from his spot leaning against the wall over to Filbo, going behind him and grabbing the wheel, his chest pressed lightly to Filbo's back. He had Filbos paws resting above his own, showing him around the amount of force needed.

"Got it?" He whispered into his ear, since they were so close togeather.

"Y-y-yeah, I th-think so, thanks." Filbo told him, grabbing the wheel again.

"Alright, let me know if ya need more help." Buddy said, leaving to return to the wall.

Meanwhile, Filbo was really, really glad Buddy couldn't see how red his face was.


sorry i took so long to get this chapter out, the next one probably won't take as long

no promises tho

anyways, finally getting into the shippy stuff >:3

feelbone flustered hehe

next time they actually go for a drive

until then, have a wonderful day :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Bugsnax au Filbo x Male Journalist [RECONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz